Where are the 5,000 word articles on why I should give the smallest shit what this nasty imbecile thinks on any topic?

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He just doubled down, I bet his check from the NRA was massive.

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That's why he needs all the guns he's obsessed with. That and I strongly suspect he's compensating for something.

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Some of it is Oppositional Defiance Disorder, which most people outgrow as a child. They are a case of arrested development. There is a lot more to it authoritarianism and tribalism but that is a start.

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Or anything relating to being part of a polite society.

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Think he'd feel better if he understood that masks don't produce paranoia and fear-- people produce paranoia and fear?

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While serving as a textbook example, immune to the irony, yes.

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It was important to her that YOU be vaccinated?

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TJ, yours is trimmed and rather sexy. I love your beard. It looks great on you. I don't much care for them, unless they are styled nicely.

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And they are Legion.

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Who did he get all these dainty ideas from? Because he's such a creep I don't think he ever had them himself. I mean, it takes a lot of indifference to push all that science out of your way.

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Well, someone might look at them and not instantly realize that they're ready to "protect their families" like the NRA has explained it to them.

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You know what? He sounds like a jerky little boy. Too old to say that to you.

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Because they think we are virtue signaling, they don't get empathy, and caring about others.

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