I bet he thinks Pocahontas is too woke because not everyone is white.

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Ok ok ok.

So some science?

How does Ariel get oxygen? Hmmm?!?

She clearly spends greatly extended periods of time under the sea, human physiology can't support that for several reasons. But she's clearly not coming to the surface to breathe.She can't breathe the water, you can't cycle water fast enough to do the necessary gas exchange (we'll ignore all the other issues like water loss and salt uptake).If she has gills we never see them, although if she's warm blooded (a reasonable assumption given that that guy isn't creeped out by her being cold, also her ability to swim at speed for reasonable periods indicates that she's probably a thermo-regulator) she's burning a lot of oxygen just to stay alive. If she stopped swimming she'd probably die.Oh and those gills would need to be quite large, not the kind of thing you can hide.

I for one am deeply disappointed with Disneys casual relationship with science and will be boycotting this movie as a result.

Please subscribe to my substack where I whine about stuff constantly.

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Hi OThers!The die is cast; moving to colder climes on the East Coast from Oregon (beautiful, wonderful state, just been here most my life and need a change before the furrows in my brow poke through my skull). Narrowing down areas; Burlington, VT area, Portland, MA, maybe somewhere upstatish NY? Desires: hopefully at least midsize urban area (500k pop or up), hopefully diverse, moderately walkable/bikeable, relatively safe for kids, not filled with white supremacists (semi-rednecks and conservatives I can live near, if not with), not insanely expensive to buy a small house in.Had some good tips from a few of y'all in some earlier threads here and there, just wanted to see if anyone could do the thing you do and clear up some blind spots!

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Right. You’re telling me black bass are translucent, Matt?

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Next they’ll be saying the Monkees we’re not a real band.

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Thinking about DeSantis today- You know who else forced "undesirables" into transports for "resettlement in the East"?

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Meanwhile in MA, we really want a stockade wall on our northern border. D:

"Pro-Trump wing of N.H. GOP takes major wins on primary day, setting stakes for fall races"


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Vermont as far from now crazy trumpland NH as possible.

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The former Big Eight?

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Portland, ME is nice, depending on your views on Susan Collins.

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I think she's awful. So Portland is good?

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Wintercat, compadre, all your tips are gold. NH isn't even entering into consideration.

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Because things in the water are never black... like, oh say, sea lions and orcas.

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Jaysus, what a whining, melted turd. No wonder these fascists are obsessed with ‘manliness,’ cause they’ve got none.

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Mine is Idris Elba, to the point where I paid to see his latest movie, Beast.

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