I know, duh! So what can he possibly be talking about?

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a Trump rally

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I actually think it's about them finding themselves attracted to a woman who they then discover has male genitalia, which would mean they were now iNfeCtEd with teh gAy. But either way, it's 100% about control fetishes.

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Doormatt Walshit (the W is silent) works very hard at being a hateful bigoted fucked up asshole, it wasn't just handed to him oh no he had to work at it until he perfected his brand of conservative pukespew. He's basically just Ben Shapiro with a beard and a few extra rugrats that were probably all sired by Real Men tm while he cucked off and watched. (Note: if cuckoo cucking is your cinque, congrats, if it's also your qink while you feverishly conservatate, unkindly fuck off!)

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"Har, har, har, I've never done it, because I have a tidy wench at home to do the womens' work, har har, she makes dinner and children, and changes the diapers because that's all women are good for, but it sure seems like it probably sucks. Har. Har. Har."

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Worse: he didn't actually rent or lease property in Virginia. According to noted leftist muckrakers *checks notes* Fox News, Walsh "rented" a single room from a "friend". For $1.source

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"The meats from each according to his ability, the meats to each according to his needs."

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Were softballs actually softer back in the day? All the ones I've encountered are just as hard as baseballs, but a little bigger.

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Unwanted, unloved, uneducated children grow up to become fine Republicans. Matt is just recapitulating what happened to Matt. Look at the generations of underlit, unemployable Trumps.

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Can I mis-species this moran?

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I'm betting you are a woman. Guys NEVER talk to other guys in the can, NEVER.

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Quick get them covered up before they scar someone for life.

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Doesn't his "Protect the Kids" need the subhead "unless, of course, they are transgender...or gay...or, well, as long as they are white heterosexual and, ideally, male."

Not sure about masks, but I'm pretty sure that what is really not good for a child's growing immune system is sars covid-2 viruses sloshing around in their bodies.

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Just for the record, in school I was bullied in the boys' shower and bathroom by cis boys, but never by trans boys.

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He tics all the boxes to be a garbage person: racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobc, ignorant, rude...I wish he and other guys like him would crawl back under their slimy rocks and let the world move on to being better for everyone, not just bitter straight white men.

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If he is declaring his residence is now in Virginia then he needs to have his mail forwarded, change his voter registration, and have his drivers license changed. And if he votes in Tennessee, be arrested for voter fraud. There is a difference between owning or leasing property in a state and declaring it your residence. Some Republicans have used that as an excuse for voting in two states, but it doesn't work. Your official residence can only be in one state.

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