White Racists are desperate & deplorable enough to want to make 16 year old White girls into sex slaves because the party they've been brainwashed to believe is God's Own Party isn't popular and is just a bunch of mediocre, awful losers that even God can't get elected.

Did I get anything wrong? 😋

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"Worth noting that in the 50 yrs since Roe ... men have become less likely to find a spouse, less likely father kids or live with the kids they father, and less likely to participate in the workforce."

It is also worth noting that men are less likely to be trapped in a marriage to a woman who is only there because she had his kids that neither one of them actually wants to take care of

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Sadly, you're entirely correct.

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There you go again, acting like individual choice is meaningful.

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It really all comes down to enforcement of the cishet male patriarchy. Happiness, compatibility, consent, none of this matters. But instead of admitting this the patriarchy casts cishet marriage and child-rearing as (literally) God-ordained institutions people must inhabit regardless of their own wishes or well-being.

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“After Reconstruction, black people were less likely to engage in agricultural labor for white people.”

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There's a lot of hot 17 year olds "the government" says I can't manipulate into sex, just because of "ethics". It's like they don't understand what ephebophilia is.

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"That’s the problem in society. It’s only problematic when you are not married and you don’t have the man there to help you take care of the kids because he’s a coward."

Or hosting an important reality TV show.

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When he refers to the "last 30 years or so," he means "since the women's movement." Which began in 1992.

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And if they are not happy with that outcome, they can start by just being better partners to their spouses. If your partners don’t want you around once given the choice, the Problem might be you.

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History has never been their strong suit.

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Gee, I remember it in the 1970s.

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For free.

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