look at that face, and consider how many people at Fox News had to have looked at it when they hired him, and thought that "here is a guy whose opinions on current events should be shared with the whole country, here is a person with valuable insights and snappy banter, we've got to get this one on our team"

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Department of Defense employees have a randomly-generated 26 character password that changes monthly. Their computers go into sleep mode, requiring the password to be entered, after three minutes of inactivity.

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I was working a temp job and the young guy in the cube behind me was let go. It's not that unusual, until the IT guy came to refresh his computer and found a USB drive still in the port. It contained naked pictures of himself and he was using the work computer to set up 'dates'. Yikes!

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One place I was let go from I had a LOT of stuff, so instead FedEx delivered my boxes of shame to my house. Talk about depressing but better than the poor guy walking down the street with his box of shame. That's just damn sad.

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I'm afraid it would scare people too much.

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Not long before you posted your comment (which is not allowed) I was reading in a book by Bill Bryson about the "Dunning-Kruger Effect." It is essentially being too stupid to appreciate how stupid you are. Mr. Bryson says "That sounds like a pretty good description of the world to me." I concur.

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Good observation. I sure wouldn't bite.

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Google "beatbort," duh.

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One place I worked looked into palm print readers, but they were so expensive they changed their minds.

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You could start with a story I heard at a con in 1999, in which a floppy disk was given to an IT professional, which disk had been affixed to a refrigerator with a magnet "for safekeeping."

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Some people just aren't what they're cracked up to be: http://thedailybanter.com/2...

Others are even worse then we could imagine: http://www.independent.co.u...

You night want to rethink the stupid people tricks.

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I wonder where Keys posted about wanting people to "fuck some shit up." Because 4chan has a policy against that "call-to-arms" kind of crap, not only because it could get them in trouble but also because, per the /b/ board "4chan is not your personal army." If he posted his boohoo-help-me scrawl on /b/, then that's probably why hardly anyone took him up on it. Moran.

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Be really clever - drowssap. No one will ever think of that!

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I have, a few times, loaned passwords. But never to a sensitive location where, once in, a malicious person could raise all kinds of havoc. The only person likely to be hurt would be me. What Keys did is the difference between loaning someone your room key versus giving out the master key to the whole building. Or giving out the com to a bike lock versus a bank vault.

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