Someone should check the college files of the DeVos children. I have a hunch there might be something interesting. What other explanation could there be to this bizarre crusade of hers?

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Here's a transman soldier. He seems particularly suited to his career.


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I"ll bet it's great, but the computer nerds back-in-the-day probably thought they were being clever and "insider-y."

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We have an all volunteer army. Anyone who wants to serve, and can, should be allowed to do so.

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Trump doesn't care about transgender service members. He just wants to throw bones to his rabid followers. It's cynical to the point of malevolence.

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Or "vice admirals"

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Squirrel! What?...

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These hurricanes, they cause damage, on many sides. On many sides.

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Fuck you, asshole. You don't get to deadname trans people because you don't like them. You don't get to insult all trans people as collateral damage in insulting one trans person you don't like.

And fuck the asshole who upfisted you, also too. You're both garbage.

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Doc, a little OT, but I'm happy you set "his" generals in quotes. So it must be "his" military and "his" White House and "his" Secret Service etc etc etc yadda yadda yadda. I see it as a tell. Trump thinks his election ceded him ownership to the whole federal government, which he now thinks he can run like one of his companies. It's no longer "our" military but "his" military.

And I'm sure "his" generals have a secret little giggle every time he says that. Let's hope we don't have long to wait before they can stop giggling, and get on with business. And the government is returned to us.

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It's all just temporary until Trump and Erik Prince get the American East India Company up and running in a Afghanistan.

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Because Fox doesn't have enough blonde airheads.

Lookin' at you, Doocy.

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President Trump specifically notes that an about-face is possible if the Secretary of Defense “provides a recommendation to the contrary that I find convincing.”

Which is lawyer-speak for convince Trump that it was his idea not to move forward on this.

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Did that give you a warm fuzzy like me when you saw that at the top?

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I had a friend whose father went into WWII as a buck private and came out a full-bird colonel. He was in charge of an installation in the Pacific at the end of the war. Some locals came up to ask what they should do with some Japanese POW's they had.

He said, "String 'em up for all I care."

Later, they came looking for him. Took him off to a tall tree near the base. Damned if they didn't string 'em up, just like he told them.

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Color me cynical but I have a bad feeling this new "study" will be used as cover to kick all Trans troops out of the military. After all Trump needs to pander (and keep happy) his religious fundamentalists base.

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