Dowd should 'follow her bliss' rather than being the center's Peggy Noonan.

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Maureen has convinced me. No more bloodless rationality for me. Next self-righteous anger monster in a flag-emblazoned tee shirt that gets in my way is going to get cussed out proper. I may even go all Second Amendment on his or her ass. Maureen and I are confident that the Teabag Outrage will start to dissipate once enough of us start to let loose.

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You know, for so-called "smart" people with Ivy League educations, journalists (using the term loosely) are the most anti-intellectual bunch this side of a swamp rat. OMG, Obama is so RATIONAL; what kind of MONSTER is he?1???!

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see MoDo would be a much better eowyn and knew about eowyn and 'lord of the rings' WAAAYYYY before christine and it just pisses her off when other people copy her and steal her ideas.

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Maureen went to Catholic University, which is not Ivy Leagued. My impression is that not a lot of journalists are Ivy Leaguers, who tend to go into comedy writing, blogging, or hedge funding instead.

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Of course. I was being lazy; I should have said East Coast Media Eleeeeets.

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