you have NO idea how true that is!

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Well, I hate the Clinton too but for very different reasons. Dowd is simply clinically depressed.

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Yeah, i never understood that. Reading crap like this for FREE is a hassle. Why on earth would I PAY for the privilege.

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Here's the thing: hack writers, being creatively lazy and all, LOVE thier cliches. After all, when you can rely on tired-ass tropes, the story practically writes itself (especially in an occupation where embodying an expected stereotype has become so predictable, it's a matter of reflex for many.) So here comes Hilary, with her political ambition, and desire to intervene in "important matters" basically redefining the role of "first lady" to something other than "that chick the pres helps out of the helicopter sometimes." Hilary wasn't a familiar type who stayed within her acceptable boundaries and that lack of familiar character type made "the village" uncomfortable what with all the oh-so hard "thinking." And so the resentment of Hilary began for inadvertently challeging their limited notions of ambitious womanhood (at least until they learned how to distort her into a trite and more familiar "ice queen" characterization.)

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As VP he's tasked to be ready in case the president is disabled. Other than not being in the daily chain of command, he is the one person in the world who is most ready.

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A bit north of there.

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Hopped "up"?

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Then leave.

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"Which is closer to Barcelona than Marseille."

No it is not.

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Sorry, but if that's the worst offense I committed today, I can live with it, hope you can...

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I read MoDo in the Sunday NYT and gathered MoDo was the one who was suffering and being persecuted. Or something.

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You're right.In fact, you're right by a lot— 124 miles to 207 miles.

I go to Barcelona frequently& to Marseille not at all butI'm still surprised that it's that much closer.

Thank you...jt

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Great line... Hope it's OK that I quoted you on twitter and sent your comment to Ben Shapiro, who needs to be reminded that he's lost his mind.

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You really do not understand how political language can evolve and I don't have time to explain it, at least not in dialogue with someone whose arrogant ignorance makes everything unpleasant.

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She never was and never will be a journalist

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