Everyone is having a mighty fine laugh over that idiot Maureen Dowd, and how she had a bad trip on "the pot." Oh ho ho, what an idiot, they are chortling, can't even eat a delicious marijuana candy bar without curling into a ball and weeping for eight hours.
Ask my brother-in-law about the places he's had to use to start lines on non-iv drug users before his workplace instituted a "interns only get one stab before they must call in someone with a clue" policy.
I have to say, from the stories users and friends of users have told me, I can't imagine how acid could be worth it. One of my best friends at college would be bed-ridden by flashbacks causing all-consuming anxiety attacks for about a week once every three months or so, years after his last trip.
interestingly, Michael Hollingshead, the man credited as the Johnny Appleseed of acid (he turned on some of the big names of the sixties, such as Tim Leary and the Beatles) bought a gram of LSD from Dr Hoffman at Sandoz and not knowing any other way to divide it up into standard doses, mixed it up with distilled water and confectioners sugar to make a thick paste that he kept in a mayonnaise jar. His paste fortuitously consisted of exactly 5,000 spoonfuls, making every one a 200 microgram dose. Quite a few of the psychedelic pioneers of the sixties took their first trip by eating essentially a spoonful of cake frosting.
BTW, you were also correct about the absinthe- the proper way to drink it is to put a sugar cube on a slotted spoon and dribble some water over it into a glass of absinthe. The sugar counteracts the bitterness and the water causes the less water soluble botanicals in the absinthe to cloud up and release their fragrance, making it much tastier.
Well, there is the uncritical repetition of the "pot kills people" stories the prohibitionists like to latch onto. But you're right, she doesn't actually advocate prohibition, which I might have noticed better if I wasn't so unwilling to read her actual words because she's Maureen fucking Dowd.
None of that is true (with the exception of the Yippies not being serious). Liquor does not destroy LSD-25. In fact, rectified ethanol is the preferred solvent for cleanly and evenly distributing the drug across a sheet of perforated four layer pharmaceutical blotter paper, AKA tabs of acid. 190 proof Everclear works quite well- the crystallized drug is dissolved in the alcohol and absorbed by the paper, then the alcohol evaporates, leaving the recrystallized drug trapped in the inner two layers (that's what the paper was designed for- to safely soak up chemical spills in a lab).
Likewise, if you put LSD into a shot of alcohol, a cup of O.J. or even a glass of water, if you drink it you'll end up high as fuck. Hence, the phenomena of the electric kool aid acid tests- a bunch of LSD dissolved in punch that people drank to get high. The reason the Yippies weren't serious was one of scale- to dose millions of gallons of drinking water to the level necessary to be psychoactive would require a dump truck full of the stuff.
That's a funny-looking can.
Ask my brother-in-law about the places he's had to use to start lines on non-iv drug users before his workplace instituted a "interns only get one stab before they must call in someone with a clue" policy.
I have to say, from the stories users and friends of users have told me, I can't imagine how acid could be worth it. One of my best friends at college would be bed-ridden by flashbacks causing all-consuming anxiety attacks for about a week once every three months or so, years after his last trip.
People did not stop doing acid until at least that time Jim Newell left our Wonket.
interestingly, Michael Hollingshead, the man credited as the Johnny Appleseed of acid (he turned on some of the big names of the sixties, such as Tim Leary and the Beatles) bought a gram of LSD from Dr Hoffman at Sandoz and not knowing any other way to divide it up into standard doses, mixed it up with distilled water and confectioners sugar to make a thick paste that he kept in a mayonnaise jar. His paste fortuitously consisted of exactly 5,000 spoonfuls, making every one a 200 microgram dose. Quite a few of the psychedelic pioneers of the sixties took their first trip by eating essentially a spoonful of cake frosting.
BTW, you were also correct about the absinthe- the proper way to drink it is to put a sugar cube on a slotted spoon and dribble some water over it into a glass of absinthe. The sugar counteracts the bitterness and the water causes the less water soluble botanicals in the absinthe to cloud up and release their fragrance, making it much tastier.
Well, there is the uncritical repetition of the "pot kills people" stories the prohibitionists like to latch onto. But you're right, she doesn't actually advocate prohibition, which I might have noticed better if I wasn't so unwilling to read her actual words because she's Maureen fucking Dowd.
That sounds awesomely funny to anybody that was around to watch.
Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump. Man, I must be the other kinds of ghost. Dammit!
Absence makes the heart go yonder.
1L: Your sister was very wise. Do people still do acid? I can see why the pastime died out.
None of that is true (with the exception of the Yippies not being serious). Liquor does not destroy LSD-25. In fact, rectified ethanol is the preferred solvent for cleanly and evenly distributing the drug across a sheet of perforated four layer pharmaceutical blotter paper, AKA tabs of acid. 190 proof Everclear works quite well- the crystallized drug is dissolved in the alcohol and absorbed by the paper, then the alcohol evaporates, leaving the recrystallized drug trapped in the inner two layers (that's what the paper was designed for- to safely soak up chemical spills in a lab).
Likewise, if you put LSD into a shot of alcohol, a cup of O.J. or even a glass of water, if you drink it you'll end up high as fuck. Hence, the phenomena of the electric kool aid acid tests- a bunch of LSD dissolved in punch that people drank to get high. The reason the Yippies weren't serious was one of scale- to dose millions of gallons of drinking water to the level necessary to be psychoactive would require a dump truck full of the stuff.
Ozium libul!!1!
I started out on Burgundy
But soon hit the harder stuff
Please forget you knew my name...
or should I say, she once met me...
Say what? 300?
so you're saying MoDo is really zombie David Carradine?