I think it's pretty hard to get rid of a federal judge. Look at Clarence Thomas. He lied during his hearing, his wife was a Tea Party activist, and he's still on the highest court in the land.

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Three minutes of my life -gone forever😥

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Mikey pence probably helped with the big words.

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Now, if only the NYT had something like a letters column where regular readers could write in and complain about the sheer unprofessionalism of this action.

Oh, and cancel their subscriptions to the NYT while they're at it.

Conservatives only respond to actions that threaten their bottom lines. (And I'm not talking about the cocaine running along the buttocks of their rentboys.)

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I remember the fake contest in National Lampoon. The lucky winner got their ass kicked by Emma Peel.

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"Trump made the Republican Party tougher, teaching it to counterpunch harder than its opponent."

No, that was Newt (what an appropriate name) Gingrich. And thank you for another reason to shun the NY Times.

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Looks like smug idiocy is in the Dowd DNA.

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I read that crap and it also mentioned that Democrats now want unity but they didn't when cheeto took over in 2016. There is a lot of complete bullshit in that piece but that was the capper. No, motherfucker, we do not want unity. We want to kick your ass.

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Re: Making life miserable for an in-coming President

Paul Ryan, (Rep.-Ayn Rand's Asshole), prior to the 2016 election and when he was Speaker of the House, expressly called for the denial of a Security Clearance for Hillary Clinton if she won the election. He said she should not receive any of the customary Presidential Briefs EVEN IF SHE WAS ELECTED, on the insulting suggestion that she might BUT HER EMAILS them. Fuck the whole fucking Republican fucking Party.

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Mine, as well! This year marks our 30th anniversary!

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Now we're assuming that Mitch McConnell is going to embrace the norms and proceed as any other Senate President would?

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You know that Google Maps StreetView feature that blurs out license plates, house numbers and FACES?Can they apply that to all T**** images going forward?Please. And. Thank you.

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I am less inclined to assume malign intent, but they certainly could explain their underlying assumptions a lot better than they do.

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"Mercurial presidency" - As in a toxin that causes brain damage, and even long term exposure to the vapors can cause noticeable problems?

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I saw a study (can't find the link) that conservatives who live in cities are much more amenable to social services than their rural counterparts, because those programs benefit them in some way.

City conservatives are in favor of mass transit, even though they'd have to pay for it but don't use it, because it takes cars off the streets that would impinge on the conservatives' abilities to get around. Other aspects of the social safety net are the same. They'll pay for those things they don't use because doing so makes their lives better.

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To be accurate, SER, we did call for resistance, within the law, and acted on that call. My own state of California was the leader in that, remember? It is perfectly legal for states to challenge federal laws and regulations in court, and to use local discretion in complying or not complying with federal demands that do not carry the force of law.

As for Dowd's characterization of "Democrats" calls for unity...only some of us are. Others, myself included, have little fucking interest in "unity" with neofascists who deny the legitimacy of the cleanest and most transparent election in U.S. history and will do any and every thing they can get away with to hold power. Until they decide they're actually Americans and not wannabe Nazis, we govern without them and do everything lawful in our power to crush them.

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