I'm glad that Flee Zeldin was in that picture.

It gives those of us working to oust him more evidence as to why.

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They have no empathy. If they had even a pinch of empathy they wouldn’t be the arseholes they are.

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This exactly. Like, I know y'all feel like it would be awesome to just play cowboy and settle problems with your fists, but you WILL eventually find someone who punches harder than you or uses brass knuckles - literally or metaphorically. And big business ALWAYS uses brass knuckles. I would rather we follow rules then spend our days in stressed, watch-your-back survival mode. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK CIVILIZATIONS DEVELOP?!?!

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That's not a "burden". That's a "barrier to gouging". Those are ... different. Ask Senator Warren.

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Start talking about the nation

Which nation? The one that locks up millions of black men? That one?

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I thought there was a time limit on that revocation. No?

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No, because we've stopped funding public transportation, too.

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Racial discrimination in auto lending isn't real but discrimination against Christians is VERY REAL!!!

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I do appreciate the pressure she's been under and that with Trump making a regular target of her she's probably dealing with an extra load of social media crap. And extemporaneous retorts are difficult, I get that. I was simply pointing out, as I think Doc did as well, that when Kelly say "to make America great again we've got to stop talking about racism...", that's the point to attack. I appreciate that it was a heated moment and my hindsight is worthless...but sure I'll give it a try. What if it went like this:Kelly: "...to make America great again we've got to stop talking about racism..."Waters: "...excuse me? Did you just say, on the floor of the United States House of Representatives that the way to end racism and make America great is to stop talking about racism...all the racism...that's in evidence everywhere every day...evident in this ridiculous bill...evident in your suggestion that if black people like me would just shut up and sit down that it would all go away!? That racism!?"

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ANY rule is a burden by it's very nature. It's always easier to just be able to do whatever you want in the moment. What happens as a result of your action is what determines whether the rule is an unreasonable burden. If I can't just murder someone, that's a burden to me in the moment because, for fuck's sake, I want to murder someone and you're not letting me! But gee whiz, aren't we glad we're burdened with rules about murder?

I mean, I KNOW they know this. I KNOW that the people who use the "burdensome regulation" boogeyman know this and they're using it as just that - a boogeyman - BUT WHY THE FUCK DOES IT WORK WITH THE PEOPLE NOT MAKING THIS RULES? Why are people stupid enough or self-focused enough to not CARE that it's bullshit? I guess if rules that protect ME are in place, fuck you if you don't have rules that protect you, that's YOUR problem.

I hate people.

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I was told they all already have Cadillacs.

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As long as the sit in the right section of the bus, iffin you take my meaning.

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"... a delightful rhyming turn of phrase worthy of JFK or even Martin Luther King Jr. "

The rhyming turn of phrase is Jesse Jackson's métier. ("Down with dope, up with hope.")

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60 legislative days. But because the last Congress was the most layabout Congress ever, they had so few legislative days that it actually allows them to go all the way back to around May of 2016.

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So -- do you have talking points for the inevitable backlash for her "making it all about race" out loud ... ?? Because that'll be the followup attack from the "nonbiased" MSM.

I'm still not exactly clear what it is you think she should be saying on the House floor that won't be silenced with a gavel and a "Point of Order", the way Mitch McConnell silenced Elizabeth Warren for trying to read Coretta Scott King's letter about how racist Jeff Sessions was into the record that Strom Thurmond had shoved into a drawer, that Chuck Grassley kept in that same drawer, and that WaPo had to file an FOIA request to get. I'm not sure you quite get the extent to which white folks will try to silence people of color -- WOMEN of color -- for daring to talk about racism right out in public. Do you not read the Root? Maybe you should start. https://twitter.com/TheRoot...https://twitter.com/TheRoot...https://twitter.com/TheRoot...https://twitter.com/TheRoot...




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