Hey, Shelob just wanted to mind her own business, stay in her cave, and eat anything stupid enough to come to her. She didn't go out looking for people to hurt.

Yes, modern Republicans are worse than evil monstrous man-eating spiders. By a lot.

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Looks like California's homeless population could have that town, I'm sure they'd have it fixed up quicker than the GOP ever will.

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Only if it involves moving livestock around.https://www.atlasobscura.co...

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Yeah, I love how they think "Gina stoled our jerbs!" when it was "conservative" run corporations that fled to China to exploit the cheap labor and lack of environmental regs. No sweetie, it wasn't China, it was the assholes you insist on voting for that ruined your town.

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Same gurl. Same.

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Wealth is the biggest divide in this country. As long as we are fighting each other we won't go after who is really behind most of the problems in this country. Corporate america wants the young and old to work till they die on the job and then shove them in a dumpster to grab the next.

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And those kids look like they’re about to be sent to their first shifts at the meat packing plant.

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Republican ideas don’t form in a vacuum. If they want children to work in meat processing plants and coal mines, it’s because there are billionaires who would rather maim children than pay adults a decent wage.

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“I wasn’t expecting a Spanish Inquisition.”

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And that’s why corporate America spends so much money promoting messages that keep us divided by race and religion. If the lower classes are fighting amongst themselves, they can’t fight the powers that be.

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The GOP can't threaten american workers with immigrants. They burned that bridge. Plus if all the extra kids people didn't really want are at home, parents might get uppity and start demanding things like quality child care and schools and higher wages. Better if parents are forced to send those kids out to work to keep the family fed.

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NMCWL's unite!

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The divide that no one in the media wants to talk about. Except when some rich person needs to whine about how ungrateful the little people are.

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Sad but true. And higher courts just keep handing Republicans the keys to autocratic* power.

* I have know idea if I used this word correctly and I'm not gonna look it up. So there.

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"The rich get richer and the poor get children..."

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