Yeah. I don’t get surrendering before a shot is fired.

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I am sick of ALLA these elitist crappers.Many of us have a story like yours, and I sayGOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!

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once the cost of fines (aka 'doing business') exceeded the potential value, Mazar's rolled over. The drumpf spawn will start picking out their favorite non-extradition country sooner than later. The old man's gonna plead medical issues (real or manufactured) as a last resort to facing time.

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Dating yourself means you always have someone to talk to...

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Classic CYA behavior from long time grifters in real estate. Anyone familiar with real estate (and particularly NY real estate) has known about this shit since about the development of accounting.

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Have you even heard of Sherrod Brown? Here's Sherrod supporting unionizing workers just YESTERDAY.


There's also Sherrod Brown being threatened by a Chinese executive for daring to mention unions at a factory opening.


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The Russians sent her in there to do exactly that.

Just like Nader split the Democratic vote for Gore in 2000 and created enough margin for the Roger Stone-planned Brooks Brother's riot to frighten away enough voters in Florida to create a 350-vote (not 350,000) wedge that allowed the Bush-appointed-majority SCOTUS to steal the election.

Can you imagine how different the country would be had Gore been elected POTUS? If he hadn't conceded early?

Never forget.

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It's like no one even expects Republicans to ever do anything that's good for the country or helps anyone. Improving anything in this country is solely the responsibility of Democrats, always and forever. Republicans are just a natural obstacle, like bad weather.

Come to speak of which...

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Bold of you to assume there's still a legitimate media on this country

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They call out the PASSIVITY of moderate Democrats.Because it enables the evil of Republicans.

There's a difference.

More and more theoreticians are beginning to write about the parallels between white supremacist belief systems that drive behavior and policy, and clinical narcissism. There are reasons for that (and reasons why people are trying to point it out -- because there are so many people who would rather not face nor grapple with the issue).

No narcissist gets anywhere without its enablers.

The enablers are the so-called "moderate" Democrats.

So *someone* needs to write about them, because not enough people are doing it.

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I'm sick of hearing the tired "condescending liberal elites" bullshit. To the average dumber-than-dogshit MAGAt, anyone with an iota of intelligence is going to sound condescending. That's their problem, not ours.

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I'm guessing "tee" was autocorrected to "feel." Unless we're talking about a sport I'm unfamiliar with, which is definitely possible.

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I researched this when it came up in Tabs, so I'll just repost. This Nation article is basically just an excuse to attack Biden. Alda Chavez is an unrepentant Berniebot with a long history of whining about how Bernie should have been President. Look, Biden has made mistakes, and I could myself go off on them. But I don't, because I'm not gonna attack my party's leader when Democracy itself hangs in the balance. We ain't got time for that shit.

Of those Democrats not seeking re-election, most are long-serving members from safe districts who are simply retiring. It's arguable that many of them are responding not to prospects that R's are gonna win the House, but to indications that Madame Speaker will not be retiring from the leadership at the end of this session, as was earlier expected.

The second-largest group of D's not running for re-election consist of ambitious younger members who are running for higher office this year. All of this is obvious is you just click through to the Ballotpedia post cited in Chavez's article.

This is not actually a problem, except for Chavez's spinning of it to once again advance her Bernie Sanders Lost Cause narrative.

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My ex had one of those. She got it around the time our home started having mysterious power surges. Hired at least two electricians to fix it, but they couldn't find the cause.

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In my opinion, Democrats do not have a messaging problem. They have a problem with media not reporting their messaging.

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From the losers who brought you the Great Depression, Black Monday, The Great Recession, and soon to bring you the great Crypto Crash!

It's the Republican PArty!!!!!

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