I'm sorry. What doesn't make sense to you? Lemme break it down: This is being done in order to stoke the outrage of those of who still believe that America is a place that stands for something good in the world like not killing the disabled for shits and giggles. Trump's base which is base (Get it? If not, learn English.) doesn't care all that much about whether or not this particular young woman stays in the country, but they love to see people who didn't vote for Trump get mad about a thing. Therefore "liberal outrage" is sort of the point of all this. They are doing all this to show us they can, and no one can stop them. And while we are all looking in that direction, they'll probably do something worse.

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My apologies. Is there a better way to oppose his blatant cruelty in addition to voting him the hell out? Remember, our elections process is also compromised.

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I agree that the election process is compromised. It will help to try to beat the point spread. It's going to be harder to pull off stealing an election if the margins in the swing states are less narrow. Working on flipping the senate will also help. If you've got any time to spare, spend it in a swing state registering voters.

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Since hearing this story on Rachel’s show I’ve had little luck finding it on the google machine. Rachel says the msm is covering it, and I trust Rachel, but a cursory look at NYT, WaPo etc doesn’t bring it up. I understand trump cruelty fatigue, but isn’t this a new level of WHAT the actual FUCK ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS IS A HUMAN. BEING. Can we make room for this between mass shootings and hurricanes and boat fires? Please?

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I will!

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So this case is a prime example of why we should enforce "an eye for an eye".Well, Donny dumdum, which of your children will you pick for the sacrifice? Or will you step up like a man and offer yourself?

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Is it fun, being a moron?

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He deserves a life ending event, but voting is the better way to combat this sort of incompetent evil.

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You run a fine line towards slander doing that.

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Wow. Just wow.

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The Atlantic had an article a while back "The Cruelty is the Point". Its what his base craves, thrives on even. They're the same as the mobs that came to picnic at lynchings.


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Republican mantra is: What would a dick do!


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Republicans are the Problem.


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I can't comment on a lot of sites because I'm not registered with Facebook!

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If you know a ICE or CPB stormtrooper out them where you live!

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I would have asked that person if he knew about Google and if he did, did he know how to use it? Those two questions usually end up with no more comments from the troll!

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