Precedent for King's "look at the heart" technique.

"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy and we had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul." -- Dubya talking about Vladimir Putin. Of course, Putin is one of the top ten people <a href="http:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/news\/us-news\/most-admired-obama-clinton-vladimir-putin-n276536" target="_blank">Americans admire</a> so perhaps Dubya was on to something.

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Yes, but he is reportedly never seen during daylight hours.

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Yeah, but Girl Scouts on the other hand are in a different league altogether.

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I just love how the same people who have spent the last eight years foaming at the mouth about Bamz attending a dinner party with Bill Ayers are now twisting themselves in knots to excuse Scalise

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David Duke, Steve King ... so who's the Queen and Prince of this Hate Group?

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Probably more like whitewashing...

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Say, you know who <i>else</i> spoke to groups calling for ethnic ... ah fuck it. This story Godwins itself.

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<i>"...his budget-cutting fiscal responsibility message..."</i>

We all know what that means to RepubliKKKans.

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<blockquote>“Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners,” King said. “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, it’s the sick. Given that piece of Scripture, and understanding that Scalise probably wasn’t staffed thoroughly, I could understand how something like this happened. But I know his heart, I’ve painted houses with him post-Katrina, and I know he is a good man.”</blockquote> Shorter Steve King: IOKIYAR

“It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, it’s the sick." They also need health insurance.

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You know who else was a painter?

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Lots of Jokers.

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Then there was the time the League of Women Voters referred to male voters as "thugs" and suggested they were moochers, loafers, welfare frauds, lazy, degenerate, less intelligent than women by nature, more inclined to use drugs, be criminals, abandon their children ...

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2002, huh? Doesn't the Patriot Act cover folks who pal around with terrorists?

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The NOLA.com website (Times-Picayune) has some wonderful comments from Louisianans who Just Do Not See What the Fuss Is About.

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