One of them told me he'd moved to Mexico because he hates Trump so much. That surprised me, because most of the contractors I know are rabid Trump fans. Ironic, since Trump screwed all of his subcontractors.

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Can you believe people who call themselves Christian vote for this? Must be a different Jesus.

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Magic beans? Ya got magic beans?

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I'll take Mr. Flattop and a packet of pea gravel.

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"The economy will grow at a fantastic rate. A terrific rate, believe me. The best rate ever in history."Not clear who's going to do all that extra producing and earning and taxpaying. (We certainly can't let immigrants do it!) They'll blame Obama for sneakily sabotaging their tax-cut miracle by leaving them with peak employment levels.

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just ran out, dammit.

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Or, you know, 45~60 days depending on the rotation schedule.

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My sisters?

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And he's surrounded himself with people who are even dumber than he is - the opposite of what successful people do - becasue his ego requires it.

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"...orange dye causes hives..."

I can attest to this. I was allergic to that orange baby aspirin as a child. It gave me hives. Seriously.

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Everything is manipulated for his own gain. He's probably going to cut weathy taxes (the the taxes of large corporate interests) so he gets their support. He is so utterly so fantastically loathsome he defies even sycophantic credulity! He's more disgusting than a homeless drugged out heroin- addicted STD infected sex worker. In fact they have suppurating pustules more dignified than Trump.

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According to several actual scientists I’ve heard, the people who are most at risk of dying of this novel corona virus are older possibly with a history of lung issues, asthma, COPD etc. How old is this presbidet again? And he sounds pretty wheezy when he speaks.

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It is not just Nancy. There is ratfuckery about at every level and based on the 2016 election cycle she is not the master of that shit. She is the Grand Poobah of the Dog and Pony show that is the House and a fine Lion Tamer on the Senate. It is the Fox/Mercer/Koch/GRU(IRA) vampire tentacle beast that is the problem and the DNC seems to struggle with that.

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I couldn’t have food with tartrazine in for the same reason

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It starts with the Deer.

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