
Matt needs to be called out more often for the amount of shit he carries about in his head on national TV. He seems like the kind of fool that will shrink back if men tell him he sucks. Look at how he treated Ali Vitali yesterday; the ass obviously despises women.

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Ta, MM. Make sure to do some self-care, you subjected yourself to a lot, this Sunday and many others.

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the whole Nestor thing makes a TON more sense if you realize he was probably just his Ghislaine (unknowingly or not). what better way to get a bunch of high-school girls into your house / "social" (ew) sphere than having some fake high school son?

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I love me a GOP circular firing squad. In fact, I’ll donate to a GOP Jonestown if and when they decide to head in that direction.

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So I regularly reside under a rock and only emerge occasionally to bask in the horror that is the gentle morning sun. Which is why I completely missed out on the fact that Matt Gaetz has a teenage Cuban immigrant residing on and off with him.

And I love that we're supposed to pretend his tossing and turning over what hijinks Nestor was getting up to on Spring Break were over safety concerns, as opposed to whether or not the boy attached the beer bong to the pony keg properly.

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Where's Tucker's cackle when you need it?

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It's down his pants...

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"Oh, you meant 'cackle'! Sorry, I thought you said 'tackle'!"

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Is Gaetz Beevis or Butthead?

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It's contextual depending on who he is standing next to. He is Schrodinger's asshat.

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why not both?.gif

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One wonders if Matt Gaetz wears a codpiece or perhaps what our trans brothers might call a packer just to make himself feel more manly.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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There's a procedure where they sever a muscle that attaches the penis to... something. It doesn't affect functionality, but it lets from 2-3 more inches of the penis to extend from the body. Very popular among a certain category of insecure white male who feels the need of that extra little oomph, not so much in the bedroom (since they're probably lousy lays anyway) but in the boardroom. Gives them to confidence they need to dominate the "lesser" men.

No. Sorry. Doesn't sound a thing like Gaetz.

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Someone should let him know to wear it in the front.

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Kevin McCarthy's job is more or less safe because nobody else wants it.

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More than 90 voted against the CR because they're in safe, gerrymandered districts, and they can run and fundraise off this issue like crazy. You aren't going to get those full 90 to eject him. Bidness-wise, he's the goose. (Egg, etc.)

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"GAETZ: What shut — what shutdown?"


LOL, what a dick.

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He'd hold a gun to your head and threaten to kill you, then wouldn't have the balls to pull the trigger.

"Attempted murder? Do they give out Nobel Prizes for attempted chemistry."

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Does he think that works with anyone?

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Jeepers, Gaetz is getting more hideous-looking by the day. One more term and he'll be full Cyclops

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Comic book villain.

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Gaetz crime family news:

Ron Filipkowski:

Old man Gaetz coming out of retirement to run for State Senate to pave the way for his kid to run for Governor in 2026.


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Dems shouldn’t waste any energy trying to contemplate which Republican would be a better Speaker than McCarthy. They are all bad, untrustworthy, and follow their collective agenda. It doesn’t matter who claims to be more reasonable. And I really want to believe we won’t save the Republicans from themselves, precedent shows otherwise. That’s because they give us the choice between bad and worse while holding vulnerable people hostage.

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a choice between unacceptable and unthinkable is not a choice, it is a ransom note.

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The only solution to this dispute that I can see is get someone practiced in the art of divination, specifically anthropomancy. Surely providing a few of your entrails would be a small price to pay to prove you were in the right.

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The House republicans, all of them, lost bigly with this vote. It also highlighted to everyone how little support there is for the Crazy Caucus® and their bullshit. Even the republicans are tired of it.

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Not everyone's from a safe, gerrymandered district. Bad juju for a party that doesn't understand cooperation, empathy, or compromise.

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Kevin McCarthy is a wet fart, but he did eventually put on his big boy pants and avoid a shutdown for another whole 45 days by working with the democrats. Sadly, I think Matt Gaetz kind of has a point when he argues that this coalition lost rather than surrendered. I don't know the details because I can't even but it doesn't sound like the crazy caucus gave up being crazy. They just lacked the votes. It would be better for the country if they did give up.

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To my mind, that's kind of a moot point. I'm sure he thinks it makes him sound tough, like, they fought to the death argh grr! But the truth is, whether they were smrt enough to admit it or not, they still got their asses kicked. Bigly.

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It appears that Gaetz thinks compromising with Democrats is a bad thing, when that's actually how government works. Not that I would expect him to know.

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Yeah, how does Gaetz think his 90 votes should rule the country? It's not even half of the GOP votes in the House. Minority rule has worked too well in this country for too long, but people have woken up and actually counted the numbers now.

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North and South Dakota on line two and three

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I'm from North Dakota eons ago. Growing up the legislators regularly traded parties, until Gingrich started his epic farting. They have very small EC numbers, unlike Texas which will have 40 in the next election.

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