Exactly what is it that they want President Biden to do about this?Does the crowd calling President Biden a "dictator" now want the President to issue an executive order forcing private businesses to adjust the price of goods and services?Does the "anti-commie" crowd now want the Executive branch to take over the means to production?Are the "small government" folks screeching about how untrustworthy the government is now asking for an increase in federal regulations to the point of market control and resource allocation?

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THey look so happy.

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Thanks. I built it myself.

You seen the armadillo scurrying to get to a bolt hole under said fence during yesterday's thunderstorms. That little guy was waddling at speed.

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Probably late to the party with this, but while puttering about on Twitter, I'm seeing folks pin Clarence Thomas as the likely leaker of the anti-abortion Alito draft opinion (why? to allow red states to get all their shitty anti-choice legislation shored up) as well as likely "cahoots-ing" with Ginni and Eastman re: The Coup Attempt, as Eastman seemed to think he had 1-2 Justices ready to go (like Alito -- who was name-checked by Sydney Powell IIRC as her Justice-in-her-pocket ready to condone Trump's whims -- and...hmm...who else, it will come to me).

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You want charts and graphs from me? Like a PowerPoint presentation on what the Democrats should do to beat the Republicans? Block me before I say something insulting.

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You say they have all this power, please present some proof.

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You need to read my posts better before you start running your big mouth.

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Because caving to repug threats always results in Democratic victory.

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You need to live in a reality-based system before spewing shit.

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Fuck Off.

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Shows a lotta empathy for em.

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Nice thumb pic!

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Yeah I think that the lack of coverage won't help their cause, unless they're penciled in for spots on the big networks. Money only works for so long. And playing the same 25 people (or however big it is) every other weekend isn't a very good model IMO.

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You make good points. Saudis have a brutal history and the players joining their league should be put on blast for it but whatev.

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Ha right.

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