An update would be fine, but don’t feel that you need to include a photo.

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I had to go to the hospital.They did tests there.

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Yep. I’ve been a lawyer for about as long as Walker. My credentials are similar (absent the total lack of independence from the appointing administration). I’ve even tried a complicated case as lead counsel and spent lots more time litigating. I am *in no way* qualified to be a judge. Maybe in another decade.

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Funny story: you can make a lot of money as a lawyer if you’re incompetent at everything but the “knowing people” part. Which unfortunately these guys apparently have.

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Great on her.

Agreeing is one thing, doing is another, though.

Until this is signed into law, I don't trust his words.

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Oh hell no. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him.

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Slow and steady?

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They haven't taken Cosby's back. @disqus_3gMJPbEl9N:disqus

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Fuck Mitch McConnel even now.

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Everyone is getting all teary-eyed with joy over the passing of a Bill that gives 2/3 pay to folks missing work because of the National Panic. TWO-THIRDS! Not a single member of Congress, including your much-loved Dancing Bartender, offered to take a 1/3 pay cut during the panic. Whas' up wit dat? How dafaq can people who qualify for this afford to lose a third of their income while they struggle payday to payday just to make the mins?

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I walk around the house barefoot. I have found things this way that I'd rather not talk about.

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Not much of a doctor, but he's got horse sense...

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Beautiful test!

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Then Burismaghazi isn't going to be a thing then, GOP?

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Me neither. It's a very complicated story. It's important to remember that FDR had left Harry completely out of the loop on the bomb project, and he didn't have a great deal of time to catch up, therefore he had to rely very heavily on advice and information given to him by others after FDR died. Also, the mindset of the time was different - we had just fought a terrible war with massive casualties, and it wasn't over yet. Finally, nobody, not even the scientists who developed the bomb, fully understood what it might do. I'm not sure it's even possible to objectively decide NOW if it was the right decision THEN.

From a humanity point of view, all bombs are bad. What bothers me the most is that fact that they didn't know what it was capable of, but they dropped it anyway.

It is hard for me to be totally objective because in July 1945 my dad was sitting in Marseille waiting to be shipped out to Japan, after having just fought in Europe for a year, but instead he got to go home.

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