That was poetry sir. Polite but enthusiastic clapping.

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Unless those things are doused with hot bleach every night, you definitely want to keep your kid out of them. Because you just know that the anti-vaccine morons are going to toss their kids into the pit every time they visit.

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McDs sold their stake a decade ago, for a sweet billion dollar profit.

Probably wishing they'd stuck around --- but this <u>is</u> a company with a clown for a mascot.

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Yeah, but you weren't guilty of <i>biking while black.</i>

The police report for the incident specifically states that a "black girl" was spotted in the park by a concerned citizen. I'm pretty sure Mom's big mistake was picking the wrong park.

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Trying to figure out if that's a positive or negative nickname.

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I don't think my body can actually process that shit anymore.

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I think that nickname only works if she eats them.

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Minister of Tubular Affairs.

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So, 2 Unhappy Meals, hold the spit. You want fries with that?

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<i>Do you want me to go back to bed?</i>

Now there's Teh Wonket that I know and love...

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Night of the Long Plastic Knives

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Geeze, it really sucks to be a parent in poverty. Snark aside, I hope the publicity in this case helps this family in turning things around for them (is it too much to hope for a new job with daycare facilities?).

Of course, spending a little taxpayer money on working to fix the larger societal problems of poverty, education, family planning, etc. would be far too controversial and difficult. To paraphrase the standard GOP response, "argle bargle bootstraps 'Merica lazy blahs derpy derp greatest country ever!"

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I'm not lovin' it

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Sieg Fries! Sieg Fries! Sieg Fries!

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"no one forced her to work there"

"she shouldn't have had a child if she couldn't take care of it"

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Of course, McDonalds IS Chipotle...

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