So basically the defense's expert tried to apply Hollywood Accounting outside of the movie business?

That's, um, shall we say a novel form of legalized insanity.

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huh. a cheerleader aged into a stupid flirty cow with terrifically bad taste and no moral compass.

who would have guessed it.

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Why aren't the kids under indictment for their thefts from the gov's mansion? Did Mrs. Gov take the blame for that one, too? You could almost feel sorry for her, if you didn't know she's acting this part so she can stay out of the sneezer.

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It's late and time to be fair: nobody should be judged by the unimportant stuff they do in high school or college.

Plus Cindy's hot. And they don't call it the University of Spoiled Children for nothing.

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I'd guess that the evidence against the kids is weak. I'm not saying the story isn't true, just that without explicit inventory records it would be pretty easy to do the "We were confused about what was our folks' stuff and what was the state's" samba. And, y'know, maybe some of it was surplus.

Also, too, from the prosecutor's standpoint, that would really be punching down. Now, if somebody showed up to say credibly that they were taking the stuff and <i>selling</i> it, that would be a different kettle of grifters.

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So how are <i>you</i> doin'?

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Because he evidently has a working brain, right?

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McGrift isn't a Central American, so no problemo.

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They shoulda collateralized those loans, and then issued three tranches of credit default swaps against them (A to AAA grade), and then buggered off to the Caymans.

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<i>RECTORY</i>?! It nearly <strike>killed</strike> bankrupted him!

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Needs moar salt.

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<i>"...Bob has been bunking with his priest ..."</i>

Isn't he a little <i>old</i> to be sleeping with a priest?

Sanctimony! Sanctimony!

McDonnell has a lot to confess.

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Of course they don't smoke crack. Silly Rabbit...crack is for blahs. The just snort pure white lines.

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"Well, Father...I don't have a lot of time to be an alter boy, and I think I'm kind of old. Why do you ask?"

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Hamsters on the left.

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Straight from the "You Can't Make This Shit Up" department: <a href="http:\/\/bluevirginia.us\/diary\/12081\/meet-the-priest-bob-mcdonnell-is-living-with" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://bluevirginia.us/diary/12081/meet-the-pries...">http://bluevirginia.us/diar...

The TV miniseries based on these jokers is going to be a real hoot.

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