Thank you, comrade! Hope your day shaped up to be a good one...

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Same to you. As a retired drone it is hard to have a bad day these days. Thanks.

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I'm hoping you meant McLaughlin, the author of the initiative (who also appears to have the neurological equipment of an arthropod), and not Cadei, the judge who currently is being treated for minor traumatic brain injury after hearing the case (stupidity induced hemorrhage, followed by repeated headdesking).

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So California has commenting rules, too! Who knew?

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Phase 1: It's too soon, don't politicize a tragedy, give us time to mourn.Phase 2: I can't believe you're still harping on this, you need to just let it go.

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A former boss of his -- he wasn't part of the firm, just a contract lawyer -- says he doesn't recall him at all but he certainly wouldn't have been welcome if they'd known about his views as theirs was a diverse workplace, and that he should be stripped of his license immediately.

The only other thing that can be found about him is that he once tried this with a law mandating Bible Study in public schools...

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Didn't you get the memo? We don't torture.

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Even regarding the butt stuff, it was likely only the forcible butt stuff that drew down the fire.

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I take it this McLaughlin fellow didn't ooze out from beneath his rock long enough to try to defend his "act" in court.

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Can we now get some action on a law that allows us to shoot people who eat shrimps?

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Aaaand the Gay Reich opens a second front.

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It kind of makes me shudder to think what the results would be if this law were initiated in a non-California state.

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First they came for the murderous wingnut homophobes, and I said nothing, because I was not A Idiot. Then, they were done, and we all went to brunch.

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Well, we still have the Jebuzeans and the Moabites. Not to mention the Gomorrheans. So what's to keep us from putting the sword to them, just like Yahweh ordered?

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What have arthropods done to you? Many are quite delicious.

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