Republicans are like fecking dogs with their nose always up somebody's ass. Down, Boy! Leave that lady alone!

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Never seen that video before--best music video I've seen in ages. We were all singing that in seventh grade, but it would have been even better if we had seen the video.

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Why? Hello? It`s an election year, and the rubes loves them a good showing of decent moral indignation at the sluts with their babykilling ways. They can`t lose (even if they do). posturing = votes.

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If men were like seahorses and carried the pregnancies, abortion would be a sacrament. I've had it with the forced birthers and their bullshit.

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In a large rural area in Ohio, before legal abortion, the grandmother of one of my good friends was the town abortionist/midwife/herbalist/wise woman. Much as I love women like her, abortion, contraception, and access to both must remain legal and available.

If men were like seahorses, and carried the pregnancies, abortion would be a sacrament.

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I'm pleased to report that the perp was caught.

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Drat! This could ruin my Blastocyst Memorial Service Kit business before it even got off the ground. The kits, available not at a deep discount, include a very fine (stainless steel) strainer, a powerful magnifying glass, tiny tweezers, a little bitty casket and instructions for straining your menses for anything that might resemble a bit of fetal tissue requiring sacramental treatment by the all powerful State.

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I'm so tired of the "small government" group crafting incredibly invasive laws for women.

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And I would have the joy of slowly bleeding to death because I have PCOS and my reproductive system is fucked up.

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I want to be a mother, but know I cannot afford to raise a child responsibly right now. And in MA I had the right to take Plan B after a male retardation issue of the dude not understanding birds n bees. It was not easy getting my Plan B. The nurse looked at me and acted towards me as if I was yesterday's trash. Instead of a young woman who KNEW she didn't want to become pregnant , wasn't ready to become pregnant, and was preventing an unwanted pregnancy. These Republican bills are nauseating, from the transvaginal wands to the making abortion illegal even if the fetus has Down's syndrome or Tay-Sachs. How is that responsible or reasonable ? Who would staff a Gyn Hopice anyhow ? The Red state bitches abt. the cost of Women's Health Care, cuts the funds for Children's lunch programs and education, then does a 180 degree nonsensical turn and says " We're going to make it REALLY difficult for you to have the right to choose. " With the amount of hungry and abused kids right here in the U.S.of A, I wonder what cool-aid they're drinking.

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Comments can't be blank.

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and not everybody could find that kind of doctor; plus everybody involved would have been in a world of hurt if the law had caught up to them

the "Good Old Days"

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Yes! And those that didn't know anyone, well, there was a nice, seedy, back alley and a coat hanger.

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Ok, 2016 has had some terrible losses for us but the plus column is a much better picture for the whole. With a dead Scalia cherry on top of it all.

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This ruling is only common sense, which of course is anathema to "Christian" forced birth assholes.

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And the people much more likely to find a good doctor were, of course, women with money.

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