I had a feeling this thread would end up looking like this...

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Can she tell Miley Cyrus to wear longer shorts? I'm sick of that ad. Thanx.

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Soorry Haterz, but FLOTUS is just stone-cold awesome.

Hecklerrz, consider urslfs warned.

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"...Yr Wonkette is apparently part of the aristocracy now ..." To the tumbrels then!

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I'm even more sick of Miley

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Right-wing Nut Jobs. There is no trace of "conservative" left in the hysterics, even though they like to imagine otherwise.

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While I get the impetus, I disagree on any "point" awards. I disagree that executive orders are the way to handle such matters, pressing though they be. I disagree with the characterization of "complacency" as there is far more nuance to governing in this environment - and since clear evidence demonstrates POTUS has actively pushed forward LGBT causes. I agree that it is not enough and that POTUS could be bolder on any number of subjects. But now I stray too far afield. Bottom line for me is that this heckler wasn't prepared for the strength of personality (which I admire greatly in women) that is FLOTUS, and that her request of EO was senseless in the matter. In either event I wasn 't giving out "points".

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Hey, look at that, when you confront a real-life troll, even a lefty-troll, the butthurt response comes out just about the same as when you confront an online troll!!


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Under Obama, everyone who works for the federal government is gay.

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Rabbitate, wasn't that one of those Updike sequels?

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I've got $3150 that says he 'll take you up on it

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<i>Hmmm.</i> Reading a bit deeper, if indeed said heckler was merely requesting an EO specifically to intervene in fed contracting, then I retract the "senseless" and EO portions of my comment post haste. All else I let stand.

As you were.

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11% of Federal workers are LGBTABC...XYZ 11% of private employees also.

Add 'em up, there's your 22%. Math!

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Maybe the real Yahoos hadn't yet gotten their talking points from the wingnuttosphere.

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Reminds me, I need to go remind Hoft that he needs to pay up. We should bug him, endlessly, about being a shameless welsher.

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where's my airline blanket?!?

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