Don't have to... scratch a Green Party member and uncover a deep vein of sanctimony.

I know... I live with one. Gave birth to it, in fact.

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You know, the ship has kind of sailed on this one. Nader deliberately chose to take his dimwit revolutionary celebrity traveling road show and his Republican contributions to swing states, and kept resources tied up there.

I'm not impressed that while he and a few of his bitter ender supporters are good and proud of what they did and would really like it to happen again, they'd like to be off the hook for the consequences of it. They're not, and anyone narcissistic enough to try to make the most vulnerable people in the world pay for their heightened contradiction won't be either.

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#Bayghazi #BigBadJohnCornyn https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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Well. Technically, things DID get worse before they got better, but the lesson we should learn from that is to NOT fucking vote Green, because then things will get worse before they get better instead of just fucking being better now. Jesus Christ, it's like they think they're punishing us for not eating our vegetables, or riding our bike in the street!

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Okies, thank you. I don't know why I didn't just go to Wikkipedia, other than probably laziness. To be honest, I kind of like her, except for her thoughts on Ukraine and China, GMOs, and vaccines. It's a real pity she's not running Democrat. Then she might have actually had a chance, which is probably why Bernie ran Democrat in the first place. Also, I don't understand 'quantitative easing', regarding her student debt plan, but it seems to rely a lot on banks doing things out of concern for the economy, and I can't imagine them actually willingly doing that unless the alternative was not having any customers left.

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Then she decided she had conditions.

Bernie must buy a salt lamp that will fill the whole room with healing ions?https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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Unlike skin color, sexist broisim is identifiable only by actions, words and upturned shirt collars. Backwards baseball caps are common but may indicate other socially stupid attitudes.

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Is silver cougar a thing?

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And you can say the exact same thing about 'thuggishness'.

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That was other thing backwards ball caps indicate. I knew there was something else. Baggy pants too.

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Go home, n00b. Hillary was working on those issues DECADES before Bernie. FYI - Hillary was the FIRST to start pushing universal health care. If you'd BOTHER to do any research, you'd know that.

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Ralph Nader in a dress.

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They have a big cognitive problem with the "ought/is" dichotomy. I agree with their 'ought' but it will take decades of grass-roots effort to turn it into an 'is.'

And yes, the sanctimony drives me up the wall. A Green, Buddhist, Vegan, Prius-driving Yoga Instructor would be, like, a supernova of smug.

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If they really had wanted to make a point about 3rd parties being viable and wanted to put the fear-o-god into the Democrats, they would've picked one winnable state (Vermont maybe? DC?) and concentrated their efforts there.

Putting resources into swing states was like tossing a lit match into a barn & blaming the fire on a lack of fire extinguishers. Brexit-campaign-level narcissism.

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So you disagree that the Supreme Court picked W? I voted for Gore, BTW. My s/o voted for Nader. I used to be really mad at Nader. Now I'm really mad that although Gore actually did win the election, he was cheated out of the presidency by the Supreme Court, and a bunch of Republican assholes in FL who physically prevented a re-count. It would have helped if Gore had won his home state, which would have rendered the above impossible. That's all.

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Yes. Who awarded the Presidency to Bush? SCOTUS. Who prevented a re-count in FL? Republicans. At the end of the day, don't worry, we'll never have more than 2 presidential candidates to choose from.

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