<a href="http:\/\/rationalwiki.org\/wiki\/Goddidit" target="_blank">Goddidit?</a>

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Congressing is hard, what with all the time they spend fighting the President for Presidenting while black.

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“Somewhat like the shields created by force fields on ‘Star Trek’ that were used to repel alien weapons, we are seeing an invisible shield blocking these electrons. It’s an extremely puzzling phenomenon.”

some dimwit congresscritter declares, "I'm not a scientist but global warming is not a threat because Captain Kirk is going to protect us from carbon emissions with his magical tachyon beam glass sheild", in 3...2...1...

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Will Harry's perfidy also mean no figgy pudding?

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Advanced math <strike>is</strike> <i>makes me</i> hard.</i>

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[ex-]Boxers against Boxing Day.

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Advanced math? Hell No! If you allow the Socialist Hollywood elite to expose your children to advanced math, then don't be surprised if they come home questioning God. In our household we believe that all mathematics stop at long division, which of course, is a gift from God. Any calculation beyond that can only lead to science and education, which we know are not god-like and probably evil. That being said, God also allows for fruitful multiplication, so we got that going for us.

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I don't think Harry has thought this all the way through. Making congress work for 2 full weeks makes it dangerously likely that they could pass a bill, which we all know is something we really, really don't usually want congress doing. It's like assigning kindergardeners the task of hooking up the gas grill.

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But when you get to using imaginary numbers, the answer can be anything you want.

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PG-13 math is lame. I can get the really sexy stuff free on the internet.

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but think of all the wonderful T-baggy soundbites lecturing all the illegals and feminists and untermenchen about how kind the GOP is!

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Can they take a lunch break to go out for Chinese food?

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i's from the pit of hell.

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Oz has its own brand of conservative wingnuttery. But at least they aren't armed to the teeth.

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