I so enjoy teaching them. Not.

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Gee, I just can't IMAGINE why Mean Old Handsome Joe didn't bend over backwards to help this guy! He's so selfless and swell!

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All of them, Katie?

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Man, that's a long book review. I'm prepared to believe that there is some content in the book besides pissy anecdotes, but I have to say that the synopsis makes it sound like there is a pretty heavy dose of self-justification.

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"Biden never helped me once as a lobbyist, yet I was paying the price." Sounds like he was paying Joe and getting nothing in return, which is probably why Connaughton is no longer a lobbyist.

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Douches who want something in a frame to impress lobbying clients?

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Git er done, ladies!

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Careful sweetie, don't go assuming Jill's above cutting a bitch.

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He sure appears to have some part of his brain that is fully aware of what <em>projection</em> means.

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<i>“Biden looked at him and said, ‘Get the f**k out of the car.’”</i> This is consistent with what I learned about men as a young single PsycWench: They tell you they want you to be completely honest with them, and then they get all pissy when you do.

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When Biden puts something in the trash and notices it's full, he leaves it for someone else to change the bag.

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Yeah, I had a job and my boss seemed to think that paying me and not firing my ass was some kind of sufficient compensation. Especially since it was the compensation that would specifically described in my contract.

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So unlike hero Rep. Ryan who opposed the bailout and then wrote letters asking for bailout cash. Talk about self sacrifice!

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Biden threw wadded up paper at trash basket, missed, and did not immediately get up to put it in basket properly.

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Biden just wasn't into you. And I can see why.

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I heard he put the toilet paper on the roller so that it faced the wrong way.

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