Props for the grammatically correct quote from "Cool Hand Luke." Also, as always, you had me at Strother Martin - not to mention the sweet idea of Dinesh in the box

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Don't go to bed, with no price on your head No, no, don't do it.

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time, Yeah, don't do it.


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Or jusr republicanism in general. Sounds like one to me.

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Don't forget "The Rocketeer!"

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Why do you love criminals so much?

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D'Nesh has been clinically diagnosed to be a D'Euche. He's essentially a convicted D'Ickhead.

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charlie, if you do some research (try the google), you'll find saying something was not the reason he went to "jail."

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except that's not what he went to jail for, he went for money laundering campaign funds through his ex-wife. That's a crime, and he's an asshole about it whining that he's being persecuted.

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Actually, "sechsgang" is a not-uncommon name in some parts of Germany for a shifter. It's still funny.

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If someone sends me to jail for what I said, I intend to make it worth it. Bullcrap like his rants about the gays or Birther conspiracies just won't do.

Or maybe campaign donation fraud is an easier ticket to the slammer. It worked for him!

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Actually, I never saw that one. There's quite a few "everyone has seen that!" movies that I have never seen.

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You misspelled "platform."

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There is a special place in the heart of every conservative for a darky who disses other darkies. Pays good money.

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The "psychiatric" condition the judge describes here was called "Sluggish Schizophrenia" in the former Soviet Union. The use of psychiatry for political punishment or harassment is forbidden by the World Psychiatric Association and this judges decision can get the US banned from that organization. This judge has left himself open to not only impeachment, but disbarment as well. Any psychiatrist who treats D'Souza under this judge's order can lose his or her license.

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“The client tends to deny problems and isn’t very introspective,” the psychiatrist wrote. “The client tends to deny problems and is arrogant and intolerant of others’ feelings.”

Cue lawsuit for inappropriate/illegal/whatever dissemination of medical records/breach of confidence/whatever in 4...3...2...

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Ha ha!

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