That so totally sucks. I am sorry. I have gone into the men's restroom and sent my girls into a men's restroom during emergencies, and no one hassles me. No man is going to dress up like a chick complete with Teetas to hassle women.

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Especially since it's utter bullshit. Otherwise why would they be investing in abortificant manufacturers.

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Becky, this is absolutely disgusting that this happened to you. One of my dear friends transitioned to female 2 yrs ago (giving up her former white male privilege) and is up against this type of thing alot. It's been an eyeopener listening to her about the horrible ways transgender people are treated. It takes courage to make such a transition, especially since most families just don't accept the change and even friends can get their panties in a wad. I look forward to the day when transgender people don't have to deal with such ignorant idiots.

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What disgusting people. I bet their tune would change if they forced a trans woman employee to use their men's room and she was sexually assaulted there by a male employee, and she took them to court for a failure of duty of care. (Since the HoLo managers seem to feel that M/F naughty bits are magnetically drawn to each other if permitted to share the same room.)

Maybe taking a $1.5 million hit right in the profit margin could get their attention.

Of course, they are probably taking that hit already, due to all the wonkophiles and their sympathizers staying far far away and sealing away their dollars so they don't accidentally pass through HoLo tills. But those losses are too diffuse to have the sort of 2x4 impact on the bottom line that might get those ^^#%%}’s attention. Le sigh...

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This is now stuck in my head and I blame you.


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Actually, it would be remiss of you not to.

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what the fuck was that!!!111!!! so, now i have you to blame.

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unless the uncomfortable co-worker is in the stall with her, how would they even know what's in her panties? it must be just the thought of her existence that makes them uncomfortable. well, right back at them.

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not to mention rubber v. glue, or the catch all, i know you are, but what am i? justice p. herman.

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they only lost the war in the sense that no one agrees with them, but them, and we told them to fuk off and die, but that is just a technicality.

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your kids will thank you. my parents had 8 marriages between the two of them.

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That my dear, was Fanny Pack,

This is what Pixar was doing in the 1990s.

I'm not kidding.

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The SCROTUS will take care of that for poor HL.

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You think if the nutters believed in God they might leave the judgments to him.

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I believe you are incorrect. The precedent was set by the infamous "Nun-Uh v. Uh-Huh" decision of 2012.

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I've heard tell that the ladies room always smells like rose perfume instead of a three-day-old dead squirrel.

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