But will he be the next head of the National Republican Party?

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NPR - Nice Polite Republicans. A super hard left person I know uses that phrase.

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And yet the Flying Nun still gets a free pass.

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Did Juan forget he was black and that tons of people are afraid of him for just that reason? I have friends who lived in a little shithole named Livermore Falls, Maine. He is black and she is from China. People would give them a wide berth on the street...as if he was going to whip out his enormous black dick and she was going to get all kung fu on their white asses.

Spare us the drama, Juan.

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Dude, that is SO anti-Semitic!

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Excellent, dahling!

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Not as fun as you might think. For instance, I'm a big guy and I sweat very easily.

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Some people have to pay extra for the lapped thighs, thou knows.

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I'm a fat guy...but I can make myself fairly small.

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I'm tired of the motherfucking Muslims...oh, never mind.

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I think this is the win this morning.

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I fear the extremely obese on planes. Nothing scarier than having an open seat next to you with a pre- Subway Jared lumbering down the aisle in your direction looking for his number.

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Huckabee loves Juan. <a href="http://www.rightwingwatch.o..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/huckabee-an...">http://www.rightwingwatch.o...

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I want those motherfucking Muslims off this motherfucking plane!

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Well, he has close professional connections with many cold-blooded reptiles.

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He needs to be a lighter shade of pale to be on the air at Fox.

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