These fucking pundits all need to get second jobs. Jobs were they talk to people besides each other. Useless fuck wombles.

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Let him try. He'll figure out it's impossible soon enough. Downside is he never has to recognize that he should've listened to you in the first place.

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I've seen what happens when that trough is dry. We had guys come pour the patio last year and they shut off the water to the trough. The cows basically carried it off. I was trying to refill it, they were dragging it off. It was a tug of war. They drank the water faster than the hose could deliver it, so I had two hoses going. I was getting ready to beat some cows with some firewood. They can be real assholes. They were thirsty, though.

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Yeah, and he wants to fill the bucket from MY SINK and walk through the house. He'll make an ice rink on the porch. I have to think about shit like broken hips.

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wow, blast from the past. I forgot about that book. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I've a better rule: if someone in the congress or the whitehouse commits crimes, arrest them and bring charges immediately.

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yeah, I murdered 20 people, was caught with the victims in bloody clothes, gun still smoking. Can't we move on?

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You sound like a wife beater.

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One theory I have heard is that with the rockies forming a barrier, weather can come from canada or mexico. Small weather disturbances can change the shift in a matter of hours.

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Never negotiating under any circumstance was a nazi tactic. Elected to the reichstag, they had zero interest in governing. They were there to bring the government down. Just like today's gop.

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The republicans care only about personal power and money. Any time they claim a different motivation for their behavior, they're lying. They couldn't care less about national security, the economy, budget deficits, their constituents, the constitution, their oaths of office, the rule of law and least of all morality. Any time they make such a claim, they're lying. For all their chest-beating, when the table turns and it's one of their own behaving in the same way, they defend the behavior and play the victim role. With normal people, you can give them the benefit of the doubt. The republicans in the trump era have forever lost that privilege. It's safe to assume that every single utterance by the republicans is a lie. One can update one's opinion later, but it's still the safe bet.

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Ben-gha-zi Ben-gha-zi! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Ben-gha-zi!

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What is truly ironic is that if ever the day comes when the 2nd is repealed and guns are rounded up, it'll be because sane gun control legislation had been blocked for too long.

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The republicans have made it blindingly clear that they're ok with treason if it brings them power.

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Here we have a criminal caught in a roomful of dead bodies, bloodied clothes and a gun still smoking. Let's just charge him with trespassing so we can be sure we get a guilty verdict.Fuck you and fuck your condoning the attack.

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