Sometimes a thing doesn’t work unless everyone is doing it.

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I think that sort of thing happens fairly frequently. I know I've been handed all sorts of 'extra' medication before discharge because I'm teh poorz. A bit of help to tide one over.

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My mom (in Alberta) was kept longer than needed in the hospital because the medicine she needed was paid for as part of her inpatient treatment, but not after discharge, and it would have been really expensive for her to purchase on the outside. That's probably the exception, and it's just one anecdote, but it's what happened to her.

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I don't need the support of the moderator. If the moderator chooses to censor me, so be it. If someone wishes to call me out, so be it. I will continue to express my opinion without asking for quarter from anyone. I am on this site to enter into discussions, even adversarial. If someone wants to have their views endorsed or regurgitated, I am not the person to do so. I value my independence and will go with my own instincts about matters until I am proven wrong, which I consider a very high standard that has to be met by expert opinion.

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I don't know who you are, and frankly, I don't care. You can have any opinion you wish. The problem which was evident in prior conversations, especially with one individual, revolved around the insistence by the blogger that they she was the keeper of the flame for transgenders, and respect and deference should be shown her. I will question any layman's opinion, especially when medical science does not agree with their postulation. To claim that transsexualism is no longer a current term and should be supplanted in one's vocabulary by the term "transgender" is nothing more than an attempt to control, coupled with an ignorance of medical and psychologists' ongoing work in the field. I have yet to understand why the term "transsexualism" is value loaded but "transgender" is not. I have been given advice that I should make those who advocate the term "transgender" happy by using it. That is not my job. I would suggest they seek medical assistance if the use of a word of which they do not approve makes them unhappy and places them in attack mode. That is also not my problem.

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I love the absolutism which is rampant on this website. "I don't call women or men or any one else 'ugly," because calling some one physically 'ugly' is judgmental...." Look, that's a mighty stretch to claim that you never use the word "ugly" for a person's appearance. I try not to, but there are plenty of times I do. It amazes me how many of the people on this site are caught up in this fuge state in which they have captured perfection in a bottle and deny their own flawed humanity. I am as human as I can be, and I don't apologize for it. I have foibles; I make mistakes. But I will never try to convince someone I don't. And I will never bend to the insistence of political correctness for correctness's sake. I try to treat others with respect, but when they offer me other than respect, I will trash them. Those who believe in group think are a danger to society.

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Not only would private businesses be relieved of the burden, which I can speak of personally, you could double the employer portion of Medicare tax rates to help pay for universal healthcare and it would STILL save employers billions upon billions.

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Yeah, it seems like they forgot about this little thing that like, uh, once the government takes over the whole healthcare project, private corporations are relieved of the burden of helping to pay for it, administrating it, maintaining separate accounts for premiums and co-pays---all of which would save them money. Also, workers could go in and out of companies without panicking about their health insurance. Win-win-win.

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Who said we were civilized? Obviously you were misinformed.

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You didn't. A small part of your population did. But we all suffer!

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It is referred to as the APA Dictionary of Psychology. If you wish to take offense with the dictionary, be my guest. Today it is called transgender, tomorrow it is called transsexualism. I think it fairly pointless to be caught up in appellations. There is an echoism on this site which renders people incapable of entertaining differing positions. It is much like a high school clique in which a purity test is enforced for one to be a member. You may be united by one topic, but that may render you a one-trick pony. Seemingly, those who support the most volatile, aggressive and misanthropic of your lot believe that one must adopt certain lingo, one must kowtow to the shared views of the cult, and one must curry favor with the pre-eminent who tout their expertise and their cultural and social credentials. You may think of this as a place for ad hominem attacks on those who don't fit your mold, but there may be those who view your conduct, as I have pointed out before, as intolerant in itself. You do not advance an agenda; you merely grind an axe. I believe that is a great deal of what is going on in this discussion. I do believe that those who suffer at the hands of society deserve relief, but if you think that attacking is the solution, you have a long haul ahead. But it is up to them and suitable advocates whom they may recruit to press their case. It is not up to those who launch ad hominem attacks in order to attempt to brow beat anyone who may disagree in any way with them. The personal attacks, which I thought were discouraged on this website, have been allowed to proliferate under the nose of the owner. The personal attacks do not deter me, but I question the owner's commitment.

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Because "liberty". If you ever don't feel like doing something and you don't want to think about why or about the costs vs. benefits of something, just say it's infringing on your liberty. There is no argument anyone can make that will change your mind because our country is about FREEDOM (usually the freedom to not inconvenience yourself for the benefit of others). "Liberty" is more important than helping your fellow man. "Liberty" is more important than healthcare. It's more important than housing, education, the lives of children killed by mass-shooters, and the environment that the whole goddamn world shares. Every man is an island and I will shoot you if you even look at my island sideways.

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Stay strong my friend.

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I figured as much. As a libertarian I'm embarrassed by this gross misrepresentation of the facts. FWIW there *are* libertarians who support universal coverage, myself included. Just maybe not for the same reasons as the libruls.

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What makes you think this is still a civilized country?

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Thanks for the info. Gives me hope we can get something better then.

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