I can guarantee there's not one hetero male poster here who would not "hit that." Anything to the contrary is posted for laffs.
I think it's all being done by Mattell - they're test-maketing the new "Candidate Barbie" line. Of the available anthropomorphic candidates, she'd be a better choice than Mitt Romney, so I expect them to go national.
Snarklessly, here's my main concern. She seems to be a quite nice person, and slightly undefined politically, but she's what, 22? Question is, why is she a Republican?
Urp... finally took a look at the Magenta Monstrosity. My eyes are gonna hurt for half an hour now. And not Columbia, but Touro College, so nevah mind.
You typed all of that with one hand?
Gah. The girl's probaby a star at Touro.
Bugs me because I used to get raked over the coals for using a semicolon in a not-quite-prescribed manner. Danged picky Jesuits...
I can guarantee there's not one hetero male poster here who would not "hit that." Anything to the contrary is posted for laffs.
I think it's all being done by Mattell - they're test-maketing the new "Candidate Barbie" line. Of the available anthropomorphic candidates, she'd be a better choice than Mitt Romney, so I expect them to go national.
If she's figured out how to keep both the orthodox and the brownz happy, she's a fucking political genius.
In your dreams...
This is New York City, where Zombie Trotsky would be a mainstream Republican.
I didn't know a T-1000 terminator could go to pot like that. Also, the guy in the wifebeater looks especially happy to be a photo-op prop.
I don't even have to use the Googlez to know Zappa when I see it.
"career fairs and unemployment seminars should be more transparent"
"In doing so, this will provide jobs..."
Not bad by current US standards of butchering the English language, but still ... how do you get through law school writing like that?
I think you mean a "bonking-Meyer weiner".
I've been waiting for a traditionalist.
Snarklessly, here's my main concern. She seems to be a quite nice person, and slightly undefined politically, but she's what, 22? Question is, why is she a Republican?
Morningside Heights. Bit of a diff.
Urp... finally took a look at the Magenta Monstrosity. My eyes are gonna hurt for half an hour now. And not Columbia, but Touro College, so nevah mind.
How do you do that? Mirrored contacts? I want that.