I believe that homosexuality is against Sharia law. Does that mean That by enacting anti-gay laws, Guth is seeking to enact Sharia laws?

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"An identity not listed: please specify:" Ain't none your business!

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That pic is Peak Caucasity. Talk about the Unbearable Whiteness of Being.

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Uh..so does this just apply to men . Cuz a lot a men think two women together is hot. I speak from experience.So do the girls get a pass as long as they share..or what. So fucked up. I mean I didn't see lesbian on there or did I miss it. Homosexuals can apply to male and female. Maybe people just shouldn't get married there. Go to another state.

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98% certain this dude's fucking corn...

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I believe the bibbel forbids men lying with men but gives the ladies a free pass.

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"deep loneliness … accompanies a life based on youth, beauty and sex."

Funny, I found the opposite to be true.

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It mentions it ,but it's just a regular sin, not an abomination.

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I'm late to this, so sorry if it's been pointed out already, but the "choose all that apply" instruction by itself would be enough for me to fail him as a student in my research methods classes.

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Yep, women (gone wild) get a pass. So sayeth the prophets of the book of Skinemax...between midnight and 4 am.

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