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Righteous background (10/10) for a righteous speaker.Diego Rivera detroit murals https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The courage of all of these people coming forward and making a difference, it's so inspiring. I must be cutting these onions a little too vigorously because.... https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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The two republican poll watchers believed they got their marching orders from Trump. Their no votes on certifying the Wayne county votes were obviously racist. Thank god the people of Wayne county were able to shame them into voting to accept the results.

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I win times infinity plus 1!!!!

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*Grabs old tele and hits a couple screaming D-riffs just for the helluvit and also bc YAY!*

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Screamy McTweetface isn't going to overturn the election results... he's doing it to keep his Election Legal Defense Fund small donation grift going to now that his milking the Secret Service for golf cart rent scam is finished.

always with the low con with this pinhead

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Did you ever hear her, back in the day, when she would read her little stories on All Things Considered? It was always a high point of my day, when she or Pinkwater or the mad Transylvanian poet Andrei Codrescu would talk for a minute or three.

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Oh, he knew he lost before the election. He's just doing what he's doing so he can convince his cult that he didn't lose (The Republican Party cares about that, but he doesn't) and that his cult should still keep sending him money (the part he really cares about).

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Just wait until 12:01 PM EST 01/20/21.

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Doh! I forgot he's a Ned. He's always just been "Flanders!" to me.

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There were 396 (if I recall the number correctly) "discrepancies" which an audit or recount would have to look into if the number was high enough to matter to the outcome. There are always some discrepancies in count of millions. Almost half the discrepancies were from Livonia, a city where I've worked that is not just lily-white but also one of those places where there are No Good Cops (and, apparently, not many efficient poll workers). This was more than the number of discrepancies in Detroit, a greatly larger city. The dogwhistle that all of the imaginary "cheating" happens in "Democrat-run" (read: Black) cities is what had people so infuriated.

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Good on the people of Wayne County, and good on Ned.

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I take it you didn't read Nancy Drew books. Her boyfriend is Ned Nickerson.

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