I had no idea Wonkette was a competitor to The Onion.

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I thought it was a Lamborghini....

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AND sarcoidosis.

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Is this Japanese verse? Haiku?

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[smack your face]

With votes.

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As Schindler would say, it's plural, quite plural!

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A debt ridden, hair challenged, dupe for Russians, with a trophy "wife" who speaks broken and heavily accented English, in Mueller's cross hairs? Are you sure we're not talking about the Orange Shitgibbon hisself?

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"Anna Karenina of Green Gables": ha ha ha ha ha !

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She was described as a “Siberian gun rights activist...” in an AP story. That’s Bugs Bunny territory. Hence , Erickson: what a maroon!

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Party-sized...that is if you're having a pity party.

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The organizers obviously went for "faux-soviet Russian". It's the general theme of the Bunker-42, apparently. So, the more stupid/stereotypical, the better.Coincidentally, appearing stupid is a good way to lure your marks into confidence.

I'm actually more interested by the basilic's picture on top. Very tourist-ish - a symbol of Moscow if there is one, but also very, um, straight.A reminder of the joyous, um, networking, which is going to happen between male delegates and local hostesses during the post-conference party, or just a plain "give the finger to stupid yankees to dumb to realize they are being owned"?

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A woman who keep telling them how virile they were with their guns, and patriotic, and how the 2A is the only freedom worth fighting for.Just the message the NRA lobbyists are spouting and want to hear.In many aspects, I'm admirative.

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There is an article at The Onion, which is increasingly becoming more real than satire, that suggests she would have to have had sexual relations with over 62,000,000 people in order to swing the election. It does make you wonder why this one woman was singled out. Let me guess why this spy was left out in the cold. Clue: she does not have that which shrinks in the cold.

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If you're Putin it in Butina, best be Russian for a lawyer - here comes a subpoena.

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or she continually referred to him as "squirrel".

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although you will probably not be experiencing an erection that lasts 4 hours or more. (what male throughout the history of civilization ever thought that was problematic???)

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