Until it was one of their friends.

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Clarence Thomas would be the most helpful. It would be hard for the Republicans to argue for waiting over a year to replace two Supreme Court justices.

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"Walnuts"; is that like crab apple cheeks?

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I have to say being a liberal is a badge of honor because it's something run-of-the-mill dumbasses just can't handle. Being a liberal requires an analytic mind and a strong capacity for understanding nuance and visualizing multiple outcomes. Not everyone can do that, which is OK, and this is why it's easier to be a conservative, especially when one is not very educated. Liberal politicians should own this and they should not be shy about it.

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Lots of Dems, especially in Baja Arizona.

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And to think, people complained about the ponies...

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Thanks, Dok! we need "more and better Democrats" (as Kos used to say, not exactly sure where he's coming from lately...). Also too I think "world's greatest debilitative body" might be a more apt aka for the current congress. Go Ann!

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"Get off my lawn!"

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Before I read it I needs way more brain bleach.

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Ann is the real deal.

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That's easy to say if you live in certain states. Lets be clear about the state Ann is from: Arizona.

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Get real. The polling in AZ probably shows how deeply the Rs have stirred up hatred for PBO... You cannot run the same candidates and the same kind of campaign in every state.

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Your complaint was that the DNC isn't stumping for Senate candidates, though. My point was to point out they can't - not until after the primary. They can and do offer infrastructure support to everyone running at this stage. The constant complaints that the DNC is and has since 2012 been headed by someone who backs the establishment candidate are also missing my point - they aren't endorsing Hillary and they wouldn't directly campaign for her at this stage. Even in the general, the main role of the DNC will be to coordinate fundraising and expenditures with the Presidential and downballot races.

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While I get the 2nd Amendment concern, that's what it takes to win in the West.

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I've always wondered if GWB "clearing brush" was anything more than a photo op. Probably not - the Secret Service guys would pile up some branches & then Georgie would play with matches, fun, fun!

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Just like my Baby Shoes

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