You're right. I would dearly love to watch someone use a depilatory on Pence's chest.

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The important question is… Does anyone want to have a beer with him?

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I have a bad feeling about November. The wave of stupidity in this country is turning into a tsunami. It's going to suck badly for most of us for a long time...maybe forever.

I'm sorry...I'll try to be funny later.

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<i>“Christian, Conservative, Republican, in that order.”</i>

So we can't rule out a "Kenyan anti-colonial world view" from his value set. Also, needz to say whether he is "normal Christian" or "Christianity most people won't recognize".

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It would be "well marbled" if nothing else.

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bettter values:

pizza, booze, telly

(with apologies to gareth roberts)

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"Christian, Conservative, Republican, in that order."

And so the logical career path is some sort of<strike> Ministry</strike> <i><b>politics.</b></i><b></b> Makes sense, because you really can't force people to live by your rigid moral code if you're a preacher. They tried it that way for years and years, and finally are starting to figure this out. You need your hands on the levers of gubmint.

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