LIBELZ!!!! Cottage cheese is what you use to make Linothorax

Clotted Cream is what you use to make well lined thoraxes.

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Your nose, Luckily Donald Trump does not seem to be growing any further else he would be Jabba the Hutt

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Compared to the sex scandals we seem have nowadays, that seems almost wholesome in comparison.

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Ron Zammit is just a Bad Ass. I mean he actually read his Bible and, (drum roll please...) Understood it. He holds his faith dear to himself, but shows care and respect to his fellow human, even if that particular human does not share his particular beliefs. He believes in his religion, but is not inflicting it on others. He seems to live his life by the ACTUAL golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (boiled down into modern English it translates as "Don't be a dick, and most likely folks wont be a dick to you") My favorite part of his entire statement was that even though he is a Christian of a variety that is not jiggy with gay marriage he still said “It doesn’t bother me one bit or another, It’s a wedding cake, and if they feel like they love each other and want to get married, more power to them.” I just really wish there was a way to get the Fundies to understand this one simple fact, you can have your beliefs and not act like a total dick. My hat is off to this man. I wish him the best and really really really hope that other people that call them selves christian but act like dicks can maybe learn from his example and get a life.

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Ok, right off the bat, I'm going to admit I'm a little stoned right now. I got a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday evening, and I'm all hopped up on T 3's, and that is about as crazy as it gets for this recovering alcoholic these days.

So with that caveat, I read this piece with a growing sense of...of...disillusionment. Open mouthed (and yes, there was a little drool...wisdom tooth, T3's...) incredulity. He's a cake-baking Christian. He loves gay people. He's not a gay cake-baking Christian. He's not a Christian gay-baking cake. Wait...what...?

Oh...look at the time. four hours are up (almost) time for more painkillers...

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This makes me so happy, I want to marry a gay cake.

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Oh how I love you all, fellow Wonkers

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Yeah, Sister Frances Louise (Fat Luigi) would knock us around a bit but Sister Anita--old, mean, tough as nails--could really fuck you up.

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Ron Zammit knows how to do business: cake, frosting, little figurines on top representing Adam and Steve, the happy couple. When do you want it, would you like a few dozen cupcakes as well? hundred bucks deposit, payment two weeks before the wedding. You are a lovely couple, congratulations and thanks for the business.

What is so tough about that?

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Closeted if no one (else is?)

Jk I love this true Christian

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like the joke about why you take two mormons with you when you go hunting : If you take only one, he'll drink all your whiskey.

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Joe Pesci...(He gets stuff done!)

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Well, how are you supposed to fight a war against someone like him?

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I'm so glad religions invented kindness so soon after religions were invented.

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Why do you take two Mormons with you fishing? If you only take one he drinks all the beer in the cooler.

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Blatantly stolen awhile back, but I'mma repost it again, coz this baker gets it.

"I've often thought that there are two types of Christians - finger pointers and foot washers. I'd break bread with the foot washers any day. After they wash their hands, of course."

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