That's golden.

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Anyone notice a pattern among Trump's long-time "friends and associates"?

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I would lawyer up even if it was in my own practice area. The only thing I'd represent myself in is a traffic ticket dispute. The lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.

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I certainly notice a trend among his law people, they all seem to be getting away from him through conflict of interest.

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Without a doubt.

We have a saying hereabouts: "Zwei Bier sind ein Schnitzel", I'm sure you'll figure it out.

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Yeah, I get that feeling from him, he just doesn't seem like the sharpest spoon in the shed.

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You can get goats from trees, also, too. I learned that here:


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The multiplier effects of tequila are well-known.

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Apparently they didn't know to whom it should be sent, either.

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This guy is the legal version of cheeto's doc Bornstein.

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Just thinkin' that...please consult KY, WVa, Utah statutes dating back to Lordy-knows-when.

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With all due respect to one of our heroes, WTF below, calling BS on you, Lordpnut. This ain't peer review or a performance evaluation. It's Wonkin'.If you don't feel safe calling out sleaze or malpractice here, there's no safe space for you. REALLY tired of anyone with a brain or law degree enabling such bullshit...low information crowd is ALREADY confused.

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Then he cut the presser short when he heard an ambulance drive by.

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"But if true, his assertion adds to the mystery surrounding the motive and timing of Bharara’s firing."

"Adds?" I say it subtracts pretty much all the fucking mystery and makes the entire sordid affair clear as day.

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I think you missed it, Dave.

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