I *wish* that Target had just dropped some mass-produced knockoffs. But they were doing a collab with a small, queer-led stationery and gift company out of Kingston, NJ called Ash+Chess. ALL of the merchandise they did for the collab has been pulled by Target. They are devastated. I'm no fan of capitalism, but this is legitimately sad.
Since I don't spend a lot of time reading the meaningless blather of feather-brains, I have been blissfully unaware of the existence of Megan McArdle, whoever that is. From what I can gather, she appears to be paid a salary by some corporate entity, though to what I purpose I can't begin to imagine.
But I have to admit that the numbers, or at least some weird-ass numerology seems to support her theory.
Note that 63 is not only divisible by 3 and 21, it is also divisible by 2, yielding 31.5.
It cannot be a mere coincidence that this is just 3.5 less than the minimum number of years to run for president and also a mystical number according to some runes or something.
Multiply 31.5 by four and you get 126, which is exactly twice 63, and the precise age at which Donald Trump, Sr. will make his final run for president and also the number of stone blocks at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza, give or take.
And note that Vitek Ramaswamy's name contains six syllables and six is also the first digit in 63. (I pass over the fact that his middle name "Ganapathy" contains the same number of syllables as his last name and, and twice as many as his first name. This has to make you think!)
In conclusion, I have a horse right here, his name is Paul Revere, which means the Republican primary is still a horse race.
He suggests we might curb the excesses of woke capital with an even stricter version of shareholder capitalism that forces companies to focus on profit ...
What the absolute living fuck does she thinks companies "focus on" now? What else have they ever focused on? It's precisely this single-minded focus on profit, especially in the short term, that leads to capitalist "excesses."
McArdle's business judgment is evidently as sound as her ideas about politics.
How in he absolute fuck does Megan have any gig, much less one at 1 of the top 2 newspapers in the country?!? She surpasses even Tyler Cowen in inane libercontrarian takes.
I stopped reading Colonoscopy Monthly when I noticed it was full of arseholes.
To be fair, every time I see Megan McArdle's name, I have to remind myself that she's NOT Andrea. Same with that Halle Bailey and Halle Berry.
I *wish* that Target had just dropped some mass-produced knockoffs. But they were doing a collab with a small, queer-led stationery and gift company out of Kingston, NJ called Ash+Chess. ALL of the merchandise they did for the collab has been pulled by Target. They are devastated. I'm no fan of capitalism, but this is legitimately sad.
But as long as I'm here, check out Ash+Chess: https://ashandchess.com/
Since I don't spend a lot of time reading the meaningless blather of feather-brains, I have been blissfully unaware of the existence of Megan McArdle, whoever that is. From what I can gather, she appears to be paid a salary by some corporate entity, though to what I purpose I can't begin to imagine.
But I have to admit that the numbers, or at least some weird-ass numerology seems to support her theory.
Note that 63 is not only divisible by 3 and 21, it is also divisible by 2, yielding 31.5.
It cannot be a mere coincidence that this is just 3.5 less than the minimum number of years to run for president and also a mystical number according to some runes or something.
Multiply 31.5 by four and you get 126, which is exactly twice 63, and the precise age at which Donald Trump, Sr. will make his final run for president and also the number of stone blocks at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza, give or take.
And note that Vitek Ramaswamy's name contains six syllables and six is also the first digit in 63. (I pass over the fact that his middle name "Ganapathy" contains the same number of syllables as his last name and, and twice as many as his first name. This has to make you think!)
In conclusion, I have a horse right here, his name is Paul Revere, which means the Republican primary is still a horse race.
I don't even know what she is talking about. US has the most exploitative short-term profit focused capitalism in all of the first world.
Nobody admits to subscribing for the centerfolds.
you are brave
He suggests we might curb the excesses of woke capital with an even stricter version of shareholder capitalism that forces companies to focus on profit ...
What the absolute living fuck does she thinks companies "focus on" now? What else have they ever focused on? It's precisely this single-minded focus on profit, especially in the short term, that leads to capitalist "excesses."
McArdle's business judgment is evidently as sound as her ideas about politics.
I always call yer Megan McAddled. If she's a shill for anyone, they aren't getting their money's worth.
Just not feeling the Vivekmentum.
How in he absolute fuck does Megan have any gig, much less one at 1 of the top 2 newspapers in the country?!? She surpasses even Tyler Cowen in inane libercontrarian takes.
Thanks for that. Just signed up for their newsletter. Lots of cool gear!
It's just not Ayn Randian enough for her.
Vivek Ramaswami and Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. There is a ticket that's going to light up the GQP base like a tire fire.
I just though she stole & snorted Don Jr's cocaine!
I don't know why I laugh at somebody eating somebody's "whole ass," but I always do.