Wish Rachel would have asked Megan, "So do you support or oppose Trump's extortion efforts with Ukraine and China?"

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And she'll have back problems for the rest of her life. Enjoy!

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Now, now. Let's be fair. Sean Hannity is also a former roofer and bartender.

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Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney was endearing and heartwarming. This... was not.

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I think there were episodes in Game of Thrones that clarified this kind of self inflicted degradation. Or maybe not, I didn't actually watch it. But from what I heard, I imagine it could have had characters who were so defeated that they licked the feet of those who they had every reason to hate. But in this country, nobody is actually going to chop her head off, so, yeah, what's she so afraid of?

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"Fox isn't even serving food."


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Ummm, you say this like it's a good thing, and I am confused.

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See, this. This is why I come back. Recipes, of course, and snark, mainly, and sometimes because I can't do the news so I skip the articles and filter the filtered news through the comments. But when we need it--and at some point, most of do-- there's always someone there to remind us to take a step back from the rabbit hole, avert one's eyes, and breathe.

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He is a candle in the darkness through which we are making our way, and damnit, he cares so deeply one wonders if he will burn down to a sputter and flame out, but then the flame of his eloquence flares more brightly. I say this not as a fangirl, but just reporting facts based on concrete evidence.Okay, this: imagine SER and Rachel in the same room, having a conversation. MIRITE??? Yeah? Huh??? Okay, I'll be in my intellectual bunk.signed, not a fangirl

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JFC! Why don't people just tell Cunty McCain to STFU because she's a GD fidiot??

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She meant to say that she was working on her belly.

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That's the line that burned my bacon.

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"...but you can eat the bahnahnah, thus disarming [her]..."

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well, John McCain himself coasted on the coattails of his father and grandfather so it's just the circle of grift and mediocrity(/quasi-snark--I don't know and am too lazy to research the competence of his father and grandfather.)

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"don't forget Poland"

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Meghan McCain? Is that what you get, in some sick cross-breeding experiment, breeding a bottom-of-his-class, serial adulterer with a ditzy pill-addled mafiosa rodeo-queen?

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