The first time I heard all the talking heads on the teevee machine rhapsodizing about Meghan McCain, I said to myself, quietly, "I bet a buck she turns out to be a little twunt before long." Glad to see she's continuing to live down to my expectations.

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According to the Tea Partiers the Anti-Federalists our the founders of our confederacy.

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And so the Republican war on the very concept of insurance continues full force.

Seriously, though, why the eff can't Demcrats tell people "don't think of it as the young paying for the old, think of it as a down payment for your own future".

Because that's how it fucking works.

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On average, if your head is in the oven and your feet are in the freezer, you're comfortable.

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I think I've mentioned before, when Wonket or its nonexistent commenters have made approving noises about something Megs said, that except for the boobs, she really is just a lightly-educated spoiled rich kid who happens to have some gay friends.

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Looks more like she pulled herself up by her push-up-bra straps.

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Stay tuned for the next episode, when Meghan McEinstein figures out that everybody's paycheck comes from money the employers got from their customers, and calls for an end to "jobs." Another thing she is too "young" to know about.

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Any other system lets rich kids off the hook, because they can afford whatever medical care they need. Making rich kids pay into the system is debatably the worst thing EVARRR!!!

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On average, she's right. On average, she won't T-bone a car full of kids on her way to the hairdresser, either. But we make her buy auto insurance anyway... isn't that the WORST?

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Insurers like to slice and dice the market, putting their customers into various risk pools. Auto insurers make you pay more when you're young; health insurers would like to make ypu pay more when you're old.

Interestingly, you don't see people clamoring for old drivers to subsidize the young, so "fairness" clearly isn't the issue.

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you guys i am so tired of this. we start open enrollment on saturday and i was so fired up last year but now i'm just sad and don't have energy to fight and be a cheerleader and enroll people.

it's like opening night when you know your show sucks.

only this DOESN'T suck. but god you'd never know it.

(today i signed up a 2 hard core alcoholic homeless people and the food pantry is beyond depressing so probably i will be bitchy and snarky again by saturday).

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If you really want to entertain us, crash a party and punch someone in the face four or five times, then pee on the street.

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Is it okay for old people to pay for young people? I hope so, because if not I owe a lot of money to my parents

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<em>Young people are paying for older people that are sick.</em>

And that is different from ANY OTHER INSURANCE SYSTEM how exactly, you vacuous twit?

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Meghan won't like Soshecurity either, if she ever finds out about it. And Medicare? Don't get her started!

No, seriously, don't.

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"Young people are paying for older people that are sick. "

So, one of the dumb ones, then?

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