And we wouldn’t even want to know what they’d make of semiotics.

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And anyway, all of that is called logistics, not semantics.

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Wait a minute! She's John McCain's daughter?! I never would have guessed that what with her being so low key and hardly ever mentioning it.

she is tiresome.

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The *only* way I can read about megs is through the SER filter. So thank you for ingesting her poison and gently spoon feeding it to me as if I were a baby kitten

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I have no doubt that if the founding fathers could see into the future they would have made different choices. Unintended consequences

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"Just tell me semantically, how you're going to get my brother's gun back."

Okay: Wi R goin tu bi yer bruthers gun bak.

Oh wait, that was telling you phonetically. Sorry. Here's the semantic version:

We are going to make possession of that gun illegal. When your dumbass brother doesn't turn it in for buyback, he becomes a criminal. Then, when your dumbass criminal brother gets arrested for some other dumbass crime, we're going to take his illegal gun from his crime-scene apartment, melt it down and make parking meters out of the steel.

This is the part where you say "Oh, well okay then, that makes perfect sense."

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Another fucking idiot (yes, idiot) with a famous parent in the public eye, getting a piece of the public ear. These fucking people.

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Well, in her defense, she never brings it up semantically.

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No giving it back Cory.

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And drones with missiles that shoot holes in walls. Normal people might walk up to the front door and say "knock, knock, can I come in please?" Not these drones.

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Uh huh. Gun buybacks are a left wing fever dream. After the Port Arthur massacre, under former Australian prime minister John Howard, who moved on it fast, we had stricter gun laws and a mandatory buyback in short order. Odd that I never thought of conservative, asylum seeker hater and bloody liar John Howard as a left wing fever dreamer before. Let the record show he did one thing right. Let it also show that we didn't have violent resistance to the gun buyback in this country, and we haven't become the slaves of a mad socialist dictator without our assault rifle type weapons, either.

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I can’t stand her for one second. And even if I DIDN’T necessarily miss the View for my entire life due to working for a living , I STILL wouldn’t watch her. Basically her dad’s claim to fame is that he was slightly less shitty than all the other Republicans.

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The only POSSIBLE use of an assault weapon is mass murder. Unless you’re expecting to be personally stampeded by Isis in your own freaking driveway, you are never going to have a legitimate need for one in civilian life. I can’t understand how they were ever permitted to be retailed to the public in the first place . Oh that’s right. The “free market” <groan>

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Yoga pants with holsters? Now THAT"S a fever dream!

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Yoga pants with holsters is just sensible. Watching violent gun crime plummet with a buy-back of assault weapons is totally wacky! Meg’s brother won’t have it she says.

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If only we could learn something from this and do the same. There won’t be a violent uprising here either, that’s just chest-thumping Americans acting like toddlers about to lose their favorite toy. A few extremists would probably resist, and they would face prosecution for breaking the law, not a violent showdown on their lawn.

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