He didn't deserve to be confirmed BEFORE this story broke. And I am really sick and tired of the fucking "IF" arguments. "IF" the moon is made of cheese, "THEN" we'd never go hungry again. BUT IT'S NOT. JUST STOP IT.

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pigfucker? really? This trash talk is what got me to leave the dems and vote for the otherside. good job you joker.

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Christine Ford kinda looks like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys with those glasses

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Enjoy Kavanaugh as a new justice of the Supreme Court.

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what a nasty woman megan is

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Evan Hurst, why do I have to edit the way I call you a pugficker but you don't have too when you call 63,000,000+ Americans a pugficker.

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Do you know what all uneducated miscreants do? You can use the F-word as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, gerund--it replaces all important components of the English language. Comes in handy for those with an extremely limited vocabulary--just ask this so-called journalist who wrote this trashy article.

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I honestly can't stand that bitch.

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Can't NBC fire her for violating a morals clause?

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I am a feminist, but I have always viewed whatever went on with Megyn Kelly in the Fox pit as nothing more than $hrewd career moves in her mind.

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"She learned everything she knows at Roger Ailes knee" or in the vicinity. Kelly was no more a victim of Trump than two exhibition wrestlers are sworn enemies in real life.

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More precisely between his knees.

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Since we are talking about a judge here, we already know he lied about the stolen emails he received while working in the White House, and about the judge who's nomination he was trying to fluff up for the White House. We know he lied to Senators whose stolen emails he had received straight to their face in order to attain the seat he has right now. So if someone lied about that and never came clean, as a judge, would Kavanaugh then buy their story in their next conflict or would he have to see them as unreliable when lying would be in their interest?

So that's the thing that goes right to heart of this whole matter, we are confirming a judge that has no firm ethical grounds on which to stand.

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I know, but sometimes I need the recreation. I'd add Hawaii to that list. One of my kids lives there and it is awesome. Deeply blue, incredibly friendly people and you can't beat the climate. Cost ain't that bad either. Most of the scare stories on the cost of living are just that.

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The resistance is going to learn a painful lesson about cheering on and cozying up to anti Trump right wingers. They believe in all of Trump's right wing social policies. Megan Kelly is not hero, she paved the way for Trump and worse (Mitch McConnell) and then capitalized on Trump. The war criminal W is actively campaigning to keep the GOP in control of the congress which will continue to run interference for the pussy grabber in chief.

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You can take the girl out of Fox, but...

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