Thanks Mary. She's a keeper. Backup plan is to marry her boyfriend who has a few years left on his F1.

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Stepford Wives do the Saudi ball.

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What is Kathleen Parker ON? "Preternaturally beautiful?" Just ask them for the name of their plastic surgeon, Kathleen, and get over yourself. I say they both are dead behind the eyes, and were far prettier before Dr. Butcher got hold of their faces.

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She needs to get legal advise on this one asap - as I understand it, as the spouse of an F1 visa holder, she'd be entitled to a F2 visa, which would allow her to stay in the US, but NOT allow her to work, as she'd be classed as a dependent. http://immigrationroad.com/...BTW, she's not allowed to work on her existing F1 student visa either - maybe the tech company can help her get an H1B?

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Afghanistan is one of a number of countries where the women can be politicians during the day and then return home to be essentially slaves of their husbands - the men don't really care that their women can play at politics as they can still beat the crap out of them at home!

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Caption for photo:Pope: "Protocol be buggered, why do I have to stand next to this grinning asshole?"

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Oh, smack!

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When will any of this family get a clue? How could the Saudis and the rest of the Arab world interpret this as anything other than flipping them off?

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Apparently Kathleen has completely forgotten the crap Trump gave Michelle Obama for not covering her head in Saudi Arabia.

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Chin reduction surgery is all the rage these days, I hear!

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I guess by Parker's reasoning Imelda Marcos and Mirjana Marković were like, the raddest feminists of all time, right?

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Considering the central role that the concept of Southern Womanhood/white female purity played/plays in the ongoing American project of racist enslavement, disenfranchisement, and genocide, the comparison seems apt.

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The hell you at tonight? Wanted to chat about some issues. Are you OK?

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I love Pope Francis, I think he is the real deal. (disclaimer) and I am totally not into organized religion.

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I'm hoping the "huge hi tech company" would have some pull in getting the appropriate visas for her. Silicon Valley is staffed by people from all corners of the world. They were one of the first sectors to complain about travel bans.

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Unless I'm misreading this Parker seems to value women based on their beauty.

They're being praised for being eye candy, not beacons of light.

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