Best halloween costume ever?



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Folks on other sites have been pointing out that usually, when the wife of a politician or other public feature has to do this interview, their husband is there with them. They've been asking why Donald wasn't present for this interview. Which, to me, seems like a really dumb question.

Donald wasn't there because Donald is incapable of not being the one talking - especially when there's cameras present. This is the same Donald who gave a phone interview during the RNC because it wasn't enough about him. This is the same Donald who, in his first joint interview with Pence, answered every question for his running mate. Melania wouldn't have gotten to say anything in this interview if Donald had been there.

The only question to my mind - at least on the subject of Donald's absence from this interview - is whether his handlers actually managed to persuade him to stay out of it, or if they had to lie to him about the date and location so that he'd miss it.

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... I'm still trying to figure out when "perpetual scowl" became a hallmark by which to judge beauty. Melanoma looks like she's pissed off all the time... of course, being married to an admitted pussy-grabber will probably do that to any woman.

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There are some things even plastic surgery can't hide.

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You should have come over to Hollywood/Los Feliz/Silverlake where the regular people live. I always feel like a large hippopotamus rumbling down the street when I go to BH. O' course, plenty of folks thisaway have had that teeny tiny Botox shot or what-have-you. It's impossible to avoid. You're surrounded by it. It's like trying to avoid fall foliage in Vermont or sausages in Chicago. Even I succumbed one day and had a bit of laser-resurfacing done on my delicate countenance. To be fair I'd had a small Mohs surgery and they broke some blood vessels, so the first one was legit, but I confess I went back for a second, unneeded service because oh my God did my skin look AMAZING afterwards.

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The upside, of course, is you and I can go into any store in the Beverly Center and be completely invisible--it's like a magic cloak! But I know, I always feel like a shambling gorilla. Then, when I leave L.A., I'm always surprised that people respond to me, men smile at me, I'm like WHAT IS HAPPENING?!! It's a crazy place. But that's great you're doing training at Cedars--it's a great hospital. Were you here for our brief shining moment of rain? You've missed tomorrow--it's supposed to be close to 100 and almost zero humidity. Fun times.

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Correction: you have yet to see BAD plastic surgery that actually improved someone's looks. You don't actually notice when it's good plastic surgery. I work in Hwd and I'm pretty sure there's no one in the public eye over the age of 40, maybe even 35 or 30, who hasn't had some work done. And as SeekingBarbie says, below, many, many folks have had blepharoplasty, and they look fantastic.

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No, you're thinking of Merle Haggard, not Mel Haggard.

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After watching five minutes of that video, I can say with certainty that I have even less respect for Melania and Donald Trump that I did five minutes prior. Melania is unwatchable without cheese and crackers to make all that whine more palatable.

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Dear America: Yes, Donald Trump can be easily duped by Billy Bush. Please give him the nuclear codes now.


P.S. I am not a crank.

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I did read that People is going to have a story tomorrow with 6 people who will corroborate their reporter's story, including one who was with her when she "ran into" Melania on the street several months later.

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Pomeranians. I love jokes about Pomeranians.

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Trump's doing the stuff he was accusing Bill Clinton of doing (assaulting women), and now he has his wife doing the stuff he accused Hillary of doing (enabling his behavior).

Last time I saw anything project this much, it had Kodak written on the side of it.

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If I could afford it, I'd have the same thing done. I have these super saggy, baggy eyes (thanks, Dad) and it's very discouraging to look into a mirror.

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I'm sorry. I can't hear to anything Melania says as long as she remains in the uncanny valley. It's just so disturbing.


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Well, at 46 she's about to age out, and let's face it, none of us can imagine Trump getting inaugurated next to last century's model.

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