Michelle LaVaughn Robinson ObamaMelania Trump (bornJanuary 17, 1964April 26, 1970) is an American lawyer and writer who was the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
Place around the corner used to make a rootbeer-float affair with a very dark house-brewed porter (I think, I'm not a beeranista) and delicious Tillamook Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. Even I, a not-beer person, could suck one of those down.
I think you're right, and I say that as a person who's second language is childhood pig-latin.
On the other hand, I'm surprised at how thick her accent still is - she's been living in the states for quite a while now, and most the folks I know who've been here a decade or more retain much less of the accent from their original languages. I wonder, does she play it up for effect? Is she so isolated she doesn't really spend much time speaking English? It does seem odd to me.
The people I met with heavy accents after living here for a decade or more always think they "don't need to speak better", because look at how "successful" they are already?
The best jaw-dropping moment was when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III said he was on a family-bustin' crusade because people who come to the United States have to respect our laws. Did I mention that Sessions is a serial perjurer, who lied under oath several times?
Place around the corner used to make a rootbeer-float affair with a very dark house-brewed porter (I think, I'm not a beeranista) and delicious Tillamook Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. Even I, a not-beer person, could suck one of those down.
I think you're right, and I say that as a person who's second language is childhood pig-latin.
On the other hand, I'm surprised at how thick her accent still is - she's been living in the states for quite a while now, and most the folks I know who've been here a decade or more retain much less of the accent from their original languages. I wonder, does she play it up for effect? Is she so isolated she doesn't really spend much time speaking English? It does seem odd to me.
Maybe it depends on the floor.
Because Republican, silly!
If she really wanted to hang with the cool kids, Melania should have named her program Be Excellent.
To me, it looks like a clipboard or notepad.
Someone should tell Roy Moore that.
This is the worst Black Mirror episode ever.
To be fair, I'd say the "A. Best" Illegal Immigrant Titty Model had two big points. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Not to me.
The people I met with heavy accents after living here for a decade or more always think they "don't need to speak better", because look at how "successful" they are already?
Ignorant. Don't forget ignorant.
Be Best? Fuck it. She even failed at grifting.
Ha. Melania Tittymodel.
Eurotrash gotta do what Eurotrash gotta do.
The best jaw-dropping moment was when Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III said he was on a family-bustin' crusade because people who come to the United States have to respect our laws. Did I mention that Sessions is a serial perjurer, who lied under oath several times?
Huh, “Be Best “. At least they got her to drop the next line:“Bonana Fana Fo Fest”.