Got the idea when she went "Brazilian"

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I’ve been gardening for a long ass time. I prefer lots of color, a friend prefers a more singular theme. Nothing wrong with either one, it’s a matter of personal preference (and one would hope taste). However, if your “house” belongs to everyone and you’re a short-term tenant (please, please, please), then maybe you don’t fuck around with what’s been working beautifully.

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"What's that? No, no you can't bring your dog to the Rose Garden ma'am, cause it's... a... security risk. Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket."

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Agree. Leaving aside the nostalgia/historic element, the new design is, at worst, plain and not really the stand out icon one would want to see at the White House. I've seen a range of photos from a variety of angles and it's exactly what I'd expect to see from any large corporate park or community college campus or something.

Frankly, when the hysteria started I expected to see they'd ripped out everything green and growing and replaced it with concrete and steel. It's still an attractive garden, but of a different style. Let's save the outrage for the actual crimes, not the difference in taste. (And it's not the nightmare of her Christmas trees!)

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Remember according to her she is the most bullied person in the world.

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"Gadrensk is for planted. Now ve go get moose and skvirrel?"

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I am not watching the RNC garbage. Have they mentioned Trump's grand plan to destroy Social Security and Medicare if he is reelected?

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Truman said that if given a choice between a conservative and a phony conservative ( DINOs) the voters will pick the true conservative.

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Thank you for being a voice of reason again! These are some of my pet peeves.

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Probably the same as that time when Drumpf said he would preserve the priceless Art Deco frieze panels from the Bonwit Teller department store he demolished to make way for Trump Tower. He promised them to the Met. Then he jackhammered them off the building and dumped them in a landfill.

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Oh, they all hate each other. They're be at each other's throats as soon as daddy leaves office and Deutsche Bank comes for their empire. They'll claw at the scraps of ol' granddad's ill-gotten fortune like wolverines over a carcass.

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Disneyland manages to pull off vibrant flowerbeds in late summer. And the local Home Depot has annuals galore on sale right now.

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Vanky and Jared have been planning for that.They'll go all Red Wedding on the rest of the Trumpspawn the moment the old man finally kicks it.

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That has a distinctly Scottish sounding ring to it.

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Why not both?

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She posted on TikTok that they were abusive and she was seeking emancipation. She was actually pretty convincing -- much more so than her mother lying for Trump

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