<blockquote>The reason why there’s so much divorce is that feminism promotes independence in women.</blockquote>

Breathtaking. If I'd known it could never be my fault, I would've viewed the risk of divorce very differently.

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Gravity's less, I'm pretty sure. It's the blazing hot atmosphere, loaded with sulfuric acid, that might get to him. It's worse than the #6 at rush hour.

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He could take a few pointers from the Indian official who thinks that rape is "sometimes right, sometimes wrong". <a href="http:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2014\/jun\/05\/india-state-minister-rape-crimes-comment" target="_blank">I shit you not. </a>

FFS. It's 5:00 pm somewhere, innit?

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<i>Take me to your breeder.</i>

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Rectum? Barely knew him.

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Over, under, sideways, down.

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But wait ... and I quote "embrace their own natural personalities, according to Gray". Suppose the wimmin folks own natural personality doesn't want to stay at home?

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"Men and women come from different planets, and the two sexes should stop trying to behave similarly, and embrace their own natural personalities, according to Gray."

Why do I get the feeling that John Gray and Scott "rape is a natural instinct" Adams could be besties?

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There is a big difference between saying "most women have these qualities to some degree" or "most men have those qualities to some degree" and saying "you have to act this way because you're female/male or else you are a bad person and society will fall apart." The difference is lost on way too many people, unfortunately.

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Can we just send him back to whatever planet he's from? Postage Due?

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Damn, I knew he was currently widely ridiculed for his schtick but didn't know he had gone completely over to into 'men are from always right land, women should just STFU land' territory.

apparently I am better off taking advice from my dresses before this guy... <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5IQnQhzMSI">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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